What do I do?

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    • #7482

      My husband who is 56 has started taking coke, he has been lying to me for the last 12 months and insisted he wasn’t but me and my adult daughter followed him to the pub and she saw him passing his friend it, these are 2 men be works with who have got him onto this. I am really naive and still didn’t think he was taking it but he promised me he would never go this pub and meet these men again as the last few times I’ve been really upset. Then on Friday he blobbed work, lied to me where he was and a bag of cocaine has fallen from his pocket. He has admitted taken it and said he’s only taken it 3 times? He’s a heavy drinkee too. I’ve seen red and told him I want a divorce and to sell the house, I’m absolutely heartbroken..his friends have even joked that”the wife will be if you just book her another weekend away” our sex life has literally been none exisitent, both his children are mad with him but love him to bits so will still talk/support him as they don’t want him to take a downward spiral, his dad was an alcoholic and died young experimenting with drugs. I’ve been with him 32 years and married for 14 years…I just don’t know what to do, I just feel so mad and upset at the moment and feel very low as I feel we always had a good relationship but we obviously haven’t.. which is a shock

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