What do I tell my kids?

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    • #5030

      I am currently at the very beginning of a break up with my wife over my coke addiction.

      I have 1 child with her who is 2 and 3 other from my last relationship. They are 12, 9 and 6.

      They come and stay all the time and are very happy at home. And now all of a sudden daddy no longer lives there at home and everything is about to change for them all

      It’s worth mentioning that my wife has been supportive of me through my addiction and it was myself that has done this. I’ve led her a life of lies. And she has to look after herself and son.

      I Really am lost here.

    • #10962

      I’m going through this with my husband, I’ve finally split with him, as he’s just not getting better. He’s had more chances than anyone I know and regardless of where he goes or how much trouble he’s got into because of coke, he downplays everything and carries on regardless. So much more I could say, but I’d be here all day lol.

      I was forced to tell my children the truth, last year when I threw him out as he was using in our house, they’d gone from having a fab, consistent dad in their life to him not being here and acting recklessly. I told them the truth that he was unwell as he takes drugs and mum can’t allow dad to do that. My kids were 16,12,10 and 7 at the time and I was pregnant. My 7 year old son took it hard, he loved his dad to bits. But unfortunately they get used to being let down and although his behaviour affects me still greatly the kids are almost immune to it. They think he’s an idiot most of the time.

      The only good thing to come out of this is hopefully it’s put my kids off ever touching drugs as they’ve seen the devastation they cause.

      I suggest if you want to try to begin to rebuild your life so that it stops hurting your kids you seek help ASAP, keep turning up to groups, don’t use excuses to not go. That’s what my husband did and that’s why I’ve left him. I don’t mind that he has a drug problem I mind that he doesn’t seem committed to want to ever do anything about it.

      I wish you luck.

    • #10971

      go to the doctors, seek help, this will completely ruin every single element of your life… go into rehab. Prove youre wanting to change, dont let her go. Not over drugs, its not worth it. Fight this, for her and them.

    • #11109

      You have admitted you have an addiction thats a start. (Unlike my predicament) Accept help, open up on here and don’t let coke ruin your life. Take control of the situation and stop the lying. Don’t let the family be parted and support each other, don’t give up. You don’t have to be lost.

    • #35096

      That’s horrible. Some people that really want kids, but can’t have them, can’t give all their love to the less fortunate children.

    • #35099

      None of these replies make any sense to the post in question? and I don’t think a drug addiction forum is where people are looking for advice on how to become foster carers, I hope!!

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