what happened to my gorgeous husband

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    • #3986

      Ive been with my husband for 15 yrs we have 2 boys and 1daughter all through the years he’s smoked cannabis and although we’ve had our ups and downs we always pulled through with the love and respect we have for each other but this year something happened out the blue and i dont think if you asked him he would know you see my husband discovered raves and started going there every weekend he’s 34 yrs old that was back in may 2011 and then in june 2011 he went off and didnt come back for the whole week and then when he did he told me hes leaving ne told me some lie about staying with guys but it turns out he met an 18 yr old girl who smoked cannabis and did cocaine and mdma and he went off to do this with her she had her own council flat that is a hovel shes dirty and an addict so he left his family his house and his parents to be there he doesnt contact the kids as he wont speak to me and all this time our children and myself are in agony but he doesnt care and hes given me conditions as to not having a man in the house and that i have to wait until my kids have left to have alife which will be to late and in the mean time hes slowly killing himself what can we do

    • #7816

      Im not sure what you can do, but I know for a fact he’s got no right to tell you how to live your life,he gave up all rights to you when he left.Be strong.

    • #36829

      Mary3 – Hope you’re in a better place now. Reading through old posts and found your story.

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