If I have severe and strong suspicions my husband is using drugs, how can I get him away from me and my son.
I’m also pregnant and due in 7 weeks.
He used to be addicted to weed and crack cocain.
He has mental health issues also, but am taking medication, wel at least he says so.
His moods are very bad and he shouts and complains a lot.
Also hallucinates and think he’s the only person sick.mcurrentlynwitn diarrhoea.
He used to have these symptoms when he was using the drugs previously
I don’t need this right now.
He can come home at any given moment and start bugging out.
Last time he thought he saw smoke inside the house and opened all doors and windows at 1am.
We have social services connected to us as I’ve been suffering ante natal depression but not yet met with them.
Shall I inform perinatal team?
What are my rights? Does anyone know?
Thank you