What shall I do?

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    • #4122

      Hi all my son is 27 and has smoked weed since he started college at 15! Although this is probably the root of the problem this is the least of my worries at the moment! He has come to me today saying he needs £700 quick as he is short to pay his dealer and it’s not weed dealer it’s coke! Or he will be getting a beating….He has been buying and selling it and got in a complete mess with it! I know this makes him a dealer as well and this goes against everything I believe in. He says he wants to get away from it all but he’s in a vicious circle as he actually owes the dealer £7000! He can’t get a loan to pay him off as he only just earns enough at his day job to pay his rent and bills and would never be able to make the payments on a loan, he has bad credit rating so wouldn’t get one anyway! So he just carries on doing it to pay the guy. He first started this when he and his ex split up and he had nowhere to go and no money…the mother instincts in me want to get him the money and pay the guy once and for all but I have always believed you never give drug dealers money and my back is up that someone has my son “held for ransom”! I phoned FRANK who just gave me a list of local councillors! But I need advice now and don’t know who to speak to.

    • #8023

      I wish I could advise you I really do. But I’m in the same predicament, and have been for some years now. My son is addicted to coke and won’t get any help. Just goes from one disaster to another. He served 3 yrs for covering for someone and today has put himself up for recall back to prison. It breaks my heart everytime but he just won’t learn and turn his back on it. He’s 32 now and I’m just praying this time he’ll come through it xxx

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