what should i do

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    • #4077

      my son who is 30yrs old started smoking heroin after the death of his best mate says it takes all his emotions away been using it now for 9months but only just got on to it, I don’t know much about drugs but am now trying to educate myself.he started taking things out the house to sell ,money from my bag ,then my bank account that’s how I found out he was doing it to feed his habit never felt so ashamed in my life to think a son of mine would rob from me, devastated humiliated cant stop crying, cant throw him out he has no where to go, last week I ranted and raved at him did no good, this week giving him the silent treatment, not cooking for him,trying to see will this make him see what hes doing to his family but reading some stories on here I feel I am deluding myself .never had to deal with this before thank god wish I wasn’t now, so does it get easier when they promise to stop and get help, please someone tell me it can if they are willing to try and get help .

    • #7944

      Stay strong Vonnie, It’s devastating when you first find out, talk about your world caving in.. If you have a good relationship with your son, keep talking to him, find out what help is available in your area, through your doctor’s maybe.. I buried my head in the sand about my son’s addiction, I regret not coming down harder on him in the early days and 4 yrs on he is a heroin and crack cocaine addict, totally off his head and has made my life hell for to long.. have’nt seen him for a month now, I had to get the police to him at 6am he was smashing my house up, 1st time ever i’ve called the police felt gulity as hell, but I could’nt take anymore.. I am still raw to the thing’s he was saying but that was’nt my son ” it was a monster” stay strong, don’t allow yourself to be deluded, be one step a head of him but most of all look after yourself xxx

    • #7945

      Thanks for the reply fifi65, feel for you I really do ,wish I had a magic wand to help ease all our worries, but lets hope in time we will get our sons back, the sons that we love ,hope all will be well with you and you find peace god bless xx

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