What to do

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    • #4058

      Hi, I have just signed up to this website and am looking some advice, basically my sister is an alcoholic in denial, she has 2 young children aged 9 and 5, she works shifts and stays Sober on her working days, but as soon as she has a day off she will just drink, often my family and her husbands family get a phone call mid morning to see who can pick the kids up from school, it’s always to late to say no as she will have been drinking already, when confronted about it she makes up excuse after excuse, saying she still functions, the kids are looked after so it’s not a problem. We have tried everything we can think of, from telling her the harsh reality, to trying to get her to open up and talk, it has got to the point she has her eldest child lying and covering for her. We take it in turns to pop by for a visit !!! When her husbands not there to check if she has been drinking, if she has then we have to stay to make sure the kids are ok, but I’ve had enough she is ruining everyone’s lives, plus pushing my mum into an early grave. We had a massive fight this evening as I have been pushed to the limit. I’m now banned from her house ( though it won’t last as she will need me for something ) but any advice would be appreciated

    • #7912

      Its hard as not matter how hard you try to help its never enough, firstly your sister has to admit she has a problem until then theres not much you can do other than be there and making sure the children are safe. Something must have made your sister turn to drink, but finding out maybe a long road, you can only be there and lend a ear when she needs it. As hard as it is try not to shout or tell her what she should be doing as this will make her drink more, as they can feel as if they have failed somehow. If things get really bad speak to your gp and ask for help. I wish you luck hope you get something sorted soon

    • #9614

      Thank you for sharing your story.

      It seems there are few services and research done considering the experience of family members, in particular siblings. That is why I am conducting a research project looking at the narratives of siblings, encouraging others like you to share their experiences. If you wish to participate and share your story or would like more information please contact me at u1422721@uel.ac.uk. Thank you.

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