Where do I go from here cocaine abuse

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    • #7113

      So I’m 32 been doing coke since I was about 18 worst thing I have ever done but I keep going back to it:

      The last couple of years have got really bad where I just do it on my own at home for 2:/3 days on a bender recover for couple days than back on it.

      I say every time I’m going to stop I want to I’m annoyed every time I do it but I always go back to it.

      I know I can stop because last year I went six months than started it again if only I carried on from that we be looking at a year clean if I did.

      So my latest bender I’m finishing of last bit of a quarter that I been doing since Wednesday afternoon at home not stopped now finishing of the last bit and a gram I got earlier in the day so I done 8 grams since Wednesday around midday I stayed and not Eaton or slept this is what I do it end up killing me in the end, i am self employed earn really good money and all goes on this.

      Let’s hear some Success stories and what did it for you when you felt like getting some what stoped you going to get it

    • #25741

      Hi Jamie, welcome to the forum, thank you for sharing your story with us.

      I think that you have taken a step to recovery by admitting that you have an addiction and are seeking support. You have already been clean for 6 months so you know that you can do it.

      My son is 29 and has alcohol and cocaine addictions (the alcohol triggers the need for cocaine).

      He is currently in early recovery- almost 6 months, but he couldn’t have done it without the help of AA and CA fellowship groups.

      Of course, you need to have a strong will to battle this evil drug that seeks to destroy everything in its path!

      These guys have been so supportive to my son. He has a sponsor and is working the 12 steps. He’s now got to the stage where he is helping others, im so proud of him for getting this far ❤.

      Perhaps you could scroll back and read Danman83 posts as he is a person in recovery and gives good advice and support? Relapses are to be expected, they are part of the road to recovery.

      I wish you well my friend, stay in touch here and let us know how you’re doing. Please don’t let this evil drug destroy another life and family- we’ve been to hell and back .

      Stay strong ????


      • #25743

        Thank you, I have been looking at ca it definitely seems the way forward definitely going to register.

        Will have good read of other people’s post, it be great to do it it’s just a evil drug that keeps people coming back remember the days when I was 18 and we could share half a gram and go to bed you don’t realise what it turns in to I can do so much now it’s scary really.

    • #25744

      Hi Jamie, I’m so glad to hear that you’re going to register at CA.

      This drug is evil. It reels you in – without you realising it. My son’s friends were using it years ago over a weekend, but he has an addictive personality which means, once he starts, he can’t switch off! Unlike his friends who could take it or leave it.

      It just snowballed from him using , disappearing for days, turning up, looking like s**t. Sleep for days, not eating, not going to work running up large debt etc, just a vicious cycle of addiction.

      It upsets those closest- do you have a partner? Do they know?

      One of the mums on the forum has lost her son to addiction recently. So yes, it’s very scary and a very dangerous drug, if you let it take over your life.

      It’s the weekend Jamie, you take care, stay strong and seek help through CA.

      Lx ❤

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