Where to go from here ?

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    • #4150

      My life changed significantly 2 and a half years ago when I found my husband on the floor fitting. I was given the news that he had a major problem with alcohol, my first thought is “Where have I been? Why did not see or know about it?” so after this my husband went to rRehab and got sober and I made a promise to myself that if he was to do this again I would have to leave.
      Last night I could smell alcohol, he lied to me twice then told me truth, I am sitting her numb, if I talk to anyone I will be judged as to why I am still here and currently do not know what to do?
      Why do people like my husband always look like they have the upper hand? Why are we not enough for them to stop? How are partners suppose to carry on after this? I really don’t think I can watch this unfold and live a life looking over my shoulder? But 16 years is a long time but really was most of that a lie ?
      Where to go from here?

    • #8086

      I won’t judge you Mitch. and nor would a lot of people on this site, I suspect. Your husband is your family – and it is not easy to turn your back on all that love and shared experience.
      I don’t know what you do next. One day at a time is all I can suggest.

    • #8089

      Mitch I know how you feel wondering why you are still there why you feel like your forgiving and forgiving and still he continues to destroy you , my partner is a heroin addict I think he always will be so I know how broken confused and lost you are feeling, if you read I suggest reading ‘loving an addict ‘ it may help you understand more or ‘co dependent no more ‘im reading this now and I draw alot of strength from it, please dont ever feel alone xx

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