Why do I feel so guilty

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    • #35322

      I recently threw my bf out because despite promising that he had stopped smoking crack, he still continued to do this. We had a holiday booked & I said he couldn’t come. Since I got back off holiday I have found out that he has been taking money out of his sick dads bank account & has pawned his gold chain. I found him somewhere to live & helped him but he still continues to lie & carried on smoking crack. He is still stealing from his dad’s account. I don’t want anything to do with him but why do I feel so guilty as if I’ve walked away when he needs me.

    • #35324

      Hi Jaynie,

      Don’t feel guilty. You have needs too and they aren’t going to be met by someone addicted to crack. Trying to support an addict will take everything from you and you can’t make him change, only he can do this. Look after yourself and heal from this trauma, as you’ll drive yourself insane trying to fix his problems for him x

      • #35328

        Thank you for that. I know its made me so depressed & anxious. X

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