Wife is an alcoholic

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    • #6911

      My wife is an alcoholic, we have 3 kids, I’ve stuck with her for 15 years now, I’ve given her so many chances, I don’t love her, but trying to keep it together for the kids. They all hate her drinking too – I just don’t know what to do anymore.

    • #24531

      You need to go to a special treatment clinic and cure your wife of her addiction. If in 15 years you have not managed to convince her to quit drinking alcohol and drug addiction, you will not be able to solve this problem on your own.

    • #24552

      Thanks for sharing your story. I’m sorry that you have had such a tough time supporting your wife over the last 15 years.

      Please contact us at Icarus Trust if you would like some help. We are a charity that supports people going through what you are, living with addiction in the family. We have trained and experienced people that you could talk with and maybe that will help you to know what to do next.

      You can contact Icarus Trust on help@icarustrust.org or visit our website http://www.icarustrust.org

      Good luck.

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