Wife of a codeine addict

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    • #6212

      My world literally feels like its been turned upside down right now, I have been with my husband for over 8 years, married for 5 and a half of those, he is my best friend and my world. I first found out he was addicted to codeine a year or so ago after I found several empty nurofen plus packets and told him I was concerned, he admitted it but played it down and assured me it had stopped (nievely I believed him), our relationship seems to have been alot less intimate over the last 12 months or so and in March we went on holiday, he was so distant and moody the whole time, almost cold with me and developed some “stomach bug”, 6 weeks ago I found more empty packets and confronted him about them, the whole truth came out, hes been taking them in excess daily for 4 years, he has taken thousands of pounds of our money over the years to fund thus habit, the stomach bug on holiday was actually him withdrawing through the lack of availability to the codeine!

      I vowed to support him and have been so proud over the last weeks that he was turning things around, then 2 days ago I noticed several withdrawals from my bank account again and he admits after I confronted him that he’d been taking codeine again for 4 days.

      I guess I’m looking for some advice, guidance or whatever from others that have been through similar, can he get over this? How can I help? I juat feel so lonely and miserable right now, I want our old life back 🙁

    • #19613

      I dont have a ton of advise as I just found this page tonight as a cry for help as well. I get what you are going through, my husband has issues with opioid addiction – you are welcome to read my post regarding that. At least your spouse is able to admit when asked as mine will not until I actually find physical proof. I just try to always always remind him how important it is not to use alone, etc. I have a narcan kit that just saved my husband’s life tonight which gives me a tiny bit of peace of mind but I stress constantly about him using/dying. When he does get sober I try to get extra pumped for his sobriety, celebrating every day of it. But just when I think things are going well, they take a turn. I am scheduled to talk to a counselor at the end of the month to help me through this experience. Otherwise I take things a day at a time, no one knows exactly how to deal with this but we are trying to figure it out along the way. *hugs*

    • #19632

      Hi Mrs. B

      Thank you for posting. I am so sorry that you are feeling on your own dealing with what you are going through with your husband’s addiction.

      I work for a charity called The Icarus Trust. We offer support to the families of addicts. If you get in touch I can out you in contact with one of our team of trained and experienced people who you could talk with. They will listen, understand what you are going through, and talking with them might help you make sense of things. They can also let you know what other support is available.

      You can contact Icarus Trust on help@icarustrust.org or visit our website http://www.icarustrust.org

      Hope this is helpful. Good luck.

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