Wife of an addict

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    • #6266

      We have been married for 4 years now. The guy he is today isnt the man I married and fell in love with. I started to raise questions the day of my daughters birthday he has ask for money to buy her a gift because he had lost his job upon him returning there was no gift, I would ask him about he would say its put up he would give it to her later. The change in him I started to notice he would continue to ask for money and I would give it to him not monitoring him closely I can admit. on 4th of July I needed to get the kids fireworks and I had alot to do that day he was determine to go get the fireworks for me. I gave him $100 we waited and waited he never returned I called him and finally got thru and he told me that he didnt find any fireworks I told him to bring the money back he told me he didnt have it he spent it. I ask why and he said the kids was gonna only put it up in smoke they didnt need it he spent the money on cocaine.

      A few weeks went by he decided to go into inpatient treatment for 30 days. Once he was release it was back to the same him using again. To make the story a bit smaller as of today he blames me for everything he even said I should have went out and found a 2nd job to assist him with our bills ontop of my 1st job and raising 3 kids. He should’nt have to work 2 jobs. today he has been in inpatient treatment 4 times and he continue to use we are behind in all bills. He took the car I have no way to work. he has been gone for days I have not heard from him at all only for money which I wont give to him. I so emotionally hurt and depressed. I have never experience a relationship like this and dont know if to stay or leave I dont have any other place to go. I just cry everyday praying things will get better.

    • #19619

      Hi Noami,

      I have an endless amount of empathy for the situation that you are in and have just detailed in your post.

      You have come to the right place for support and somewhere to be able to vent your frustrations and emotions. There is a lot of ladies that are in the same or similar circumstances to those that you find yourself in. I don’t know if you have already but I think having a read through some of the other posts may be beneficial for you.

      I personally was on the flip side of the coin. It was me that was the addict and I have tried to contribute to some of the other posts by trying to answer some of the questions people had but using my experiences of active addiction.

      It’s so important that you look after yourself and your children whilst your having to go through this

      I wish you all the very best and I’m sure you will get a few more replies from the others who can offer you some advice.

      Take care

      • #19623

        Thank you

    • #19620

      Thank you.

    • #19624

      Wow that’s a scary amount of pills to be taking. Relapse is something that will always be in the background of my life it’s something that I am always conscious of. What do you find triggers you to use again or do you use so you don’t feel the withdrawal

    • #19625

      Sorry i am in the wrong group thank you though

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