Worried about daughter and alcohol

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    • #7415

      I am no worried about my 33 yr old daughter who has 3 children aged 8,7 and 4. She has been drinking heavily for some time (ie 2 or 3 bottles of wine a day) Approx 3 months ago she reached out for hel to her gp about her drinking. The gp immediately called social sevices and she received no help. Social services said she could only see or have the children on supervised visits with myself or her partner. After 2 weeks she had weaned off the booze and was a different person. Life almose returned to normal until 4 weeks past and she had a drink so the supervision was put back in place. Her children are her world and I cant seem to get it through to her what she is doing. As of the past couple of weeks she has hidden herself away not wanting to see anyone, pushing everyone away and blaming others. This once kind caring girl thinks there is a conpiricy with everyone not allowing her to have her children, she has become very angry and I am so worried about her mental health right now. Sorry this is such a long post but I dont know where to get her help. Any advice greatly appreciated

    • #28257

      Hi Hoffy,

      Welcome to the Forum.

      I think your daughters GP needs to be revisited, I understand the concern for the Children, but your Daughter was also reaching out for help which probably took her a lot to do.

      Would she consider going to AA meetings or go on line and do them? She might find them really useful and also be able to talk to people in the same situation.

      I think she is probably angry because she knows she has a problem and doesn’t know what to do, it is very hard for them.

      My Son is an addict alcohol and cocaine, and I’m afraid they have to want to get better and try recovery.

      There are people that you can talk to yourself if you look on line. I hope you and your Daughter find some help.

      Keep in touch on here and take care.


    • #28258

      Thank you for your reply. so kind of you.

      I have brought her to my house on 2 occasions and got her weaned off the wine and she stayed clean for 3 weeks at a time. She goes back home gets to have the children and then when they are at their dads house she drinks again. This afternoon I went to see her and she was hammered and crying and just a mess. I have brought her back with me. I am going to make an appointment with her gp and say its urgent and go with her. She wants to clean up but needs help in staying clean.

      Thank you for your advice


    • #28259

      Hi Hoffy, welcome to the forum. Thank you for sharing your story and I’m sorry to hear that you are going through this difficult time with your daughter.

      Debc has given you some great advice and i guess it depends where you stay for gp support.

      He ended up getting great support from his AA and CA meetings.

      It’s been a long and difficult journey but he’s currently 11months clean thanks to these guys and his sheer determination to change his life and make better choices.

      It’s easier to help them when they themselves want to accept support and advice.

      In the meantime, please look after yourself and your well being.

      There’s light at the end of the tunnel, stay strong and have faith.

      Sending hugs ❤️


    • #28260

      ..forgot to mention, it was my 29yr son I’m talking about..


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