Worried mum/ son on coke!

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    • #5895

      I’ve been on this journey with my son for 4 years now! All the signs was there, but I didn’t see them at first! Or didn’t want to! I took him to the doctors because I was convinced he had a problem with his nose! And point blank told her it wasn’t drugs as my son wouldn’t do that! As she suggested, and he sat there and didn’t say anything. I had him in bed all day, I was feeding him, making drinks running around trying to look after him as he kept on being so unwell! On and off! Then I got my credit card bill through! And my son had been using it for his habit! Thousands of pounds! From that day my life fell apart! Obviously my sons life had already broken! We had shouting we had tears we had cuddles we had talks. I took him to the doctors he was put on antidepressants. So I thought shamelessly that it will be all over! And life would get back to normal! Since then I’ve had to call an ambulance for him 5 times, he’s been back and forward to the doctors he had a bit of council, he’s been put on different antidepressants, he has no credit, lost his van, thousands and thousands of pounds in debt! Over the years it’s been a mad roller coaster! One minute I think we are getting there then the next smack in the face! I’ve done tuff love, I’ve tried to trust him, we go round in circles! I’ve had people say give up on him! Let him get on with it! But he is my son, and I won’t ever give up, he no’s he’s an addict! I no he’s an addict! And that breaks my heart and took a long time to admit let alone him! He was doing really well! But he’s just had relapse and I came on here just to talk, as at the mo, I can’t talk to my family as I’m not ready for them to moan and see that look!

    • #17803

      I just wanted to offer my support. I have no words but I am going through very similar (for 12 years now) so you are heard & I am here if you need someone who can relate.

      Take care

    • #17809

      The secrecy is awful and makes the situation and isolation worse. I can relate to what you are writing. I am so glad I found this forum a few days ago. I feel less alone reading stories like yours.

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