Worried my partner is becoming dependant on alcohol

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      I’m worried my hate for alcohol is making me treat my boyfriend unfairly with his drinking, but I cant help but worry and feel like he is going to become dependant on it. My dad was an alcoholic and I had a pretty unpleasant childhood with this, so ever since I have hated drinking, and I hate being around drunk people too, my partner is aware of this and is normally respectful. Now I’ve been with him for 10 years, and the past 2 years or so, his mental health has been really bad, to the point of attempted suicide and multiple self harm ect. He used to only drink socially on weekends, he now drinks it when he is feeling depressed and says it makes him feel better, he binge drinks when he feels like this, and it just makes him worse and it makes it so hard for me to support him because i hate seeing him drunk and not himself, its just like seeing my dad again. He doesn’t work because of his mental health, which means he asks me to buy the alcohol for him, I’ve been refusing recently and he tells me it’s the only thing that makes him feel better, and he won’t get any other help. Am I bad for not buying it for him? I feel guilty like I’m holding the only thing that makes him feel better, but I cant go on in the relationship if he’s going to rely on alcohol when he is depressed, I just can’t deal with it. I feel guilty all the time and wonder if I’m just being biased because of the way my dad was, and maybe his drinking isn’t that bad. I don’t know. I just need to vent and maybe someone else can read it from an outside view and give their opinion

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