Young People Dealing With Addiction

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    • #5518

      Hi there, i’m a 20 year old uni student, and I’ve spent this year spiralling into the grip of coke. I don’t know what to do, i’m 20 with a decaying nose, a dead dad, and growing debt. I do not feel like my life could get worse. Student support doesn’t quite cut it when you tell them you’re a serious drug addict with serious mental health issues. People look at me like I’m a cockroach. I just want to know what coping mechanisms other people use as a drug addict/recovering addict/clean person. I find myself going days at a time, without sleep or food, just binging my sad little life into the gutter. Marvellous.

    • #14774

      Try not to beat yourself up mate. Im lapsing from come roughly once a month.

      This is what i do to keep me on track.

      1st you cant drink any alcohol what so ever. No pubs or clubs.

      Delete all your dealers nums and friends to do with coke. Come off social media.

      Try some C A meetings. But i never have. I also listen to cocaine recovery stories on you tube and podcast. russell brand is good to listen to.

      You need to take up some new hobbies to take your mind off the coke. Ive took up reading and it helps a great deal. Im in the gym alot more, and i have set myself some goals. Try and set your self some acheivable targets.

    • #14784

      Danman is right, you can’t drink at all. It makes you weak, when at other times you can feel strong, it lowers your guard. So whilst you might not have a drink problem, the two things go hand in hand.

      Russell Brand is a good listen I agree, I listened to him and tried to get my husband to listen to him, but he thinks he’s a bit loopy. He also thinks that heroin is worse, so its not the same…. physically maybe, but mentally coke is just as bad. People underestimate its power, its a sly drug that pulls you in and turns you into a different person.

      You need some support, do you have siblings, or mates that don’t use?

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