Younger sister addicted to meth

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    • #5754

      My younger sister has been taking meth for over 8 months now. She uses it to cope in school and other areas of her life. She’s had a rough past, always struggling to be accepted and I feel like meth makes her feel capable of doing things she would otherwise shy away from when sober. She’s experimented with various drugs since she was 12/13.

      I want to help her but I don’t know how. She keeps saying she’ll stop taking it, but naturally she always goes back to it. We live in different countries and so there’s not much I can do to help. We call almost everyday, I hate myself for it but I mainly pick up just to check that she’s somewhat okay.

      The problem is also that I can’t tell my parents. I am overwhelmed with trying to encourage her to seek professional help. Within our family, I am the only person she has trusted about her meth consumption- there’s probably a lot I also don’t know too, but I know more than anyone else. And I am conflicted about telling someone about her addiction to get her help, or keeping her secret so that I don’t betray her trust and can stay in contact with her. I’m worried if I tell our parents, for example, that she’ll break off contact with me and then nobody will know what’s going on with her.

      I would really appreciate any advice on how to cope with the situation? It’s definitely taken a toll on my mental health but I don’t know whether it’s better for me to get more involved and help her as much as I can or if I should try to distance myself and let her deal with it? And would telling my parents be any use? I feel like they deserve to know what’s going on with her…

    • #16365

      She needs professional help to get her on the right track to being clean, but only she can do that. My mum is a drug addict and she begged me not to tell no one when I found out, I wish I had told someone sooner because I beat myself up everyday wishing I had told my grandparents sooner, before her addiction spiralled out of control.

    • #16377

      Thanks for sharing your own experience and particularly that you wished you could’ve told someone sooner, that’s really helped me reorder my thoughts a bit. I wish you and your family all the best and that your mum finds a way out of her addiction 🙂

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