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  • in reply to: drug dependency #10131

    Hi there its a living hell looks like my husband has had enough of my sons stealing and is leaving he can’t stand my son which hurts. He won’t come to any meetings for families he won’t talk to my son it’s just going round in circles where can we get help

    in reply to: drug dependency #10123

    I agree no one knows what is coming I work with people who have what seems perfect kids. It’s so difficult listning sometimes when they go on about there kids when it sounds so normal I want normal I live a far from normal life. My son lies all the time my husband goes on about him all the time I just wish it would stop and it scares me where it will end as a mother it’s so hard what do we do

    in reply to: drug dependency #10116

    There is a family support group near to me iv yet to go as building up too it feel no one can help iv spoken with people it makes me feel better at the time but it soon goes away when he tells another lie ect it goes on no matter what. I have strong days and weak days saying no to e money then giving in to get some peace I cry all the time as feels consumed by it all as I’m sure ur the same and nobody knows what it’s like unless they in it. I get advice from people some slagging him off which I don’t like I can but don’t like other people to . If I’m honest I don’t know what to do anymore and I’m sorry I can’t give u any advice only ur not alone I’m a nurse so see it daily too. Keep in touch just typing this helps a bit.

    in reply to: drug dependency #10114

    I’m a mum to 30 year old son lives at home still has dabbled in drugs for years so mental health problems he works bur blows his money then steals lies to get more my husband his stepfather had enough but as a mum I can’t see him on the streets so we are stuck and only they can change we are not alone I promise u it’s ever were. I want my life back and feel it’s never going to end my other children are all fine but yes it destroys families have you thought of councerling to help you deal with it and talk to friends get it off your chest it helps but no one understands unless they living it.

    in reply to: My Beautiful Daughter #10112

    I’m so sorry for your loss my love I can’t imagine what u r going through. If u want to off load I will always reply I check most days no parent should lose a child it’s heartbreaking and something with my son and his problem I fear. PLs take care

    in reply to: My Beautiful Daughter #10110

    Hi there u only wrote my beautiful daughter on your page

    in reply to: When there seems to be no light #10108

    My son is 30 and much the same lies steals is aggressive always has been. We go round in circles he has never been to rehab only just agreed to Dr’s and councerling but how long it lasts I don’t know. All I know is I want a life but mine is on hold he has all my spare cash I now I shouldn’t give him it but he asks everyday and unless you going through it u have no idea how hard it is our job as a mother is so hard I’m so sad at times my husband his stepfather tries to understand but he dosnt I can’t see him homeless so like you I’m stuck. I love him but dislike what he does also there mental health problems get worse. My other grown up children dispair off him ur not alone but it feels like it sometimes. Do u worry all the time I do and people say u can’t do anything but they not living it pls take care I know it affects my health

    in reply to: Coke husband. #10104

    I’m sorry you feel so alone you need to talk to someone and get some help for yourself . I know it’s not easy mine is my son he had been a nightmare for years he takes it sometimes smokes dope he not nice sometimes and i don’t see an end to it and that scares me too as I want my life he is 30 still at home as mental health problems so it goes on. Talk to someone ur not alone and it does help it affects the rest of the family too but as a wife and mother it’s not easy to walk away and people don’t understand unless they living it pls get some help for yourself

    in reply to: My husband needs help #10100

    It is a nightmare we live in mine is my son lies stealing but giving up on him I can’t but it ruins families and yes I’m enabler but I find it so hard to not fall for his lies so don’t beat yourself up ur doing your best. People have no idea unless it is happening to them my husband his stepfather included his answers chuck him out causes to much stress all round I hope it sorts for u but it’s a long bumpy ride

    in reply to: Advise #10099

    Hi there its so sad so many people have problems with drink or drugs. Mine is my son and drugs. We try and help them but it’s up to them aswell to helphelp themselves which is hard for them and us it isn’t easy what ever you do stay strong but be prepared to walk away if it starts to ruin your life it’s a nightmare we going through I hope u know u not alone

    in reply to: Worried mother #10098

    I try and think like that but it’s not easy I go through stages where I think that’s what I should do then I think no I can’t I feel they need u and I want to help but it’s not easy is it. My son can be so nice then so selfish. I except that’s what the life they lead does to them. I’m in turmoil all the time I feel guilty iv got my husband involved in the mess we in he dosnt deal with it that we’ll the stealing ect but it’s my son and I can’t turn my back on him so it’s putting a wedge between my hubby and me

    in reply to: Worried mother #10097

    Hi there yes it’s a very difficult situation we all in and not easy to deal with I want to walk away one minute and help the next.

    in reply to: Someone Please help – Binge Drinking #10096

    It’s difficult but u need to walk away ad ur important and deserve a life I’m stuck because I am a mother and it’s my son either way we both don’t deserve how we are being treated. Have u anywhere u can go to get your head together and think about what you want. It’s so difficult to watch someone you love doing the damage they are to themselves and not realising what they doing to themselves at least ur trying and getting support on here it does help to talk

    in reply to: Am I being duped? #10094

    It does sound like it my son does it to me every day I am a mess because of it it over takes my life I’m at my wits end have just thrown my son out again as he stealing from us all the time the lies get worse everyday. It’s so hard when u love someone

    in reply to: Someone Please help – Binge Drinking #10093

    I’m a mother of a 30 year old who abuses me financially and mentally to buy drugsso and when under the influence I’m scared of him this has been going in a long time since he was a teenager I am at my wits end today iv just discovered he has took my TV to porn and last night threatened to set fire to my home as I would not give him anymore money so I have kicked him out of my home I’m am broken hearted today but feel we getting no where trying to help him he has to help himself so pls be aware we love these people but we can’t help them I’d they won’t help them self’s

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