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  • in reply to: Confused and scared #29145


    Sorry I don’t have answers or words if wisdom but just wanted to say your not alone and I know what your going through.

    My dad is getting weaker and weaker, he can barely even walk. I’m not sure how long he has left and I don’t know whether to be angry at him or be forceful with getting him help as he normally just brushes us off and agrees to get help but never does

    Sorry didn’t meant to turn this post about me but just wanted to say I can relate and it’s nice sometines to chat to someone that knows what your going through.

    Hope your dad does get better and you get the answers you need.

    in reply to: My alcoholic dad #28938


    I can relate to this so much.

    My dad’s been drinking aslong as I can remember (I’m 31). He has chirrosis, seizures, can hardly walk plus lots of other things but still wants to drink.

    I feel bad for my mum who has to basically be his carer because of the drink. One minute I feel angry at him and want to never see him again but then I feel guilty the next minute.

    I hope your dad gets better and hope you, your mum and sister get the help and break you all need.

    in reply to: My dad is an alcoholic #22281


    Thanks for replying.

    I’m sorry to hear your going through this too.

    That sounds just like us, my mum tried leaving him last year and he went really downhill and needed caring for so she went back because she feels guilty, even though its not her fault at all.

    We have been told now if he doesn’t stop drinking he won’t have long to live and he’s just started again, so I don’t know whats going to happen now.

    Has your dad ever tried getting help, like rehab or counselling?

    Thank you for sharing your story too 🙂

    in reply to: My dad is an alcoholic #22280


    Thankyou very much.

    in reply to: My dad is an alcoholic #22279

    Hi Natalie,

    Thanks for replying. I’m really sorry to hear about your dad and I’m sorry to hear that he is physically abusive, that must be really tough on you and your family. It’s so hard isn’t it when you love your dad but you hate him for what he’s putting you through.

    Art therapy sounds like a great idea I am going to look into that!

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