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  • in reply to: living with alcoholic grown up child #36948

    Hi there.

    I have also been told that CBT is good, my son has also been diagnosed with BPD.  He tried our local substance abuse centre but said the same thing… they just didn’t listen… so he walked out.  I have given him lists of AA meetings but he won’t go as he doesn’t think he has a problem… I spend my entire time being anxious even when I am at work.  If you want to chat please just message me and I would be happy to share my email address.  I hope this week goes okay for you.


    in reply to: living with alcoholic grown up child #36947

    Hi both

    thank you for replying.  It’s so tough isn’t it.  Some days I really do wonder why I had kids which makes me sound mean but I am so tired by this all.  I thought he was doing okay as there were no major crises, but now his drinking is slowly increasing again and he is now drinking after work.  I am so scared he’ll lose yet another job because he’ll get drunk and get into trouble or even worse.  I am dreading Christmas as I will spend the whole time on edge wondering if he will make a scene.  I don’t want to sound ungrateful as I have a lot to be grateful for, but I just wish he would get some help.  He just thinks he can manage on his own and that he doesn’t have a problem.

    I really wish that both of you are managing okay at the moment, and although I have no advice to give, I am sending support and wishes.


    in reply to: My son, 23, and his alcohol addiction #36630

    Hi, I am new to this site and it’s so sad to hear that there are so many of us in such situations.  I think what you have done is incredibly brave.  My son has an alcohol addiction too, but just won’t admit it.  I too have taken him for counselling, psychiatric help, medication, the works!  He stops for a while but then it’s just back to the same old story.  He too smokes weed saying that this calms him down and then he doesn’t drink.  He is a bit younger than your son but I spend most evenings trying to find somewhere cheap enough to rent for him to move out.  I just wanted to say you are not alone and sending a hug.

    in reply to: Weed and alcohol addiction my son #36603

    Hello.  this is my first time on this site.   Your post resonated with me so much.  My adult son is smoking weed every day (which I have just given into) and has had numerous issues with alcohol.  I am constantly on edge, worried and anxious worrying what is going to happen next.  Does you son work?   I am single so deal with this on my own, and I totally understand how awful this is making you feel and what it is doing to your family.  I am constantly trying to find help for my son but unless he is willing to change there is little point.  I try to talk to him to explain that he does need help and sometimes he agrees, but most of the time just says he is fine.  I have realised now that there are so many young people with these problems and so many families looking for help.  I am just not sure if the help is there.  I find that just talking to someone helps sometimes.  I know I am being a coward by not trying to stop him smoking but at least when he does that he isn’t angry and violent (like he is when he drinks).  I am happy to chat at any time, don’t have any great words of wisdom but am happy to listen


    in reply to: Worried Mum #36601

    Hi, I have never posted on here before but read your post an it resonated with me.  My son is 20 and has had drinking issues for 5 years.  We too get on well but I am constantly on my guard and anxious when he goes out (he still lives at home).  Not sure I can offer any advice but wanted just to say I understand what you are going through.  I have learnt not to say anything when he is drunk and then tried to show him the error of his ways when he is sober.  Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t, but at least I have shown him I care.

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