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  • in reply to: Cocaine addiction #31299

    Hi guys sorry for taking so long how is everyone more importantly? And updates . Mine promised after everything and suprise he is doing again haven’t slept all night he’s up paranoid feeling sorry for himself in bed don’t know what to do anymore cause I love him but this has to stop now

    in reply to: Cocaine addiction #30715

    Update . I woke he was sleeping I told him not to take I woke up to him paranoid out of his head on coke walking around the house opening doors . I’m scared he’s gonna lull himself or hurt someone . My mum and dad were in bed and for the first time I told them I kicked him out he sat in the car and it broke my heart I called the police because I feel I don’t know what else to do anymore

    in reply to: Cocaine addiction #30709

    Hi I’m in the exactly same situation as you. I haven’t spoke to anyone hide it act like everything’s fine .. we live in my parents house and every day I worry he’s got it and he will take it when I’m asleep and when I wake up he’s of his head I feel exactly the same iv asked him not to do it he will lie to my face and I always feel I’m trying trying and nothing is changing he’s getting worse he says it stress but the way you are describe is like me and why I am here as I don’t know what to do anymore . I feel he don’t care how I feel as he does it anyway

    in reply to: Being with a cocaine addict. #30708

    Hi guys so update . Tonight we went to the pub and he had a call from his dealer which I knew he was picking up . I said I can’t do this anymore and he said it’s fine and smiled and thought it was no big deal. I said you get it I know what you picked surprise

    He goes and gets it comes back and says I’m being moody . I left the pub walked home and said to him make a choice me or that I said you won’t come into my house if you take that if you stay your throwing it down the toilet . He said he isn’t gonna throw it away and thinks I’m using it as a excuse to get rid of him: how do I make him see sense . Iv tired and tried time over time to tell him I won’t have it and he’s picking that over us … to him he don’t seem like cocaine is a big deal help please guys I don’t want to lose him he has a lot of stress now house problems money . He said he would stop it all soon as everything is over stress wise . I said why can’t you just not take it and enjoy the night but he can never give me a straight answer and always thinks im against him

    in reply to: Being with a cocaine addict. #30580

    Yes and me please ash2013

    in reply to: Being with a cocaine addict. #30579

    Yes and me please

    in reply to: Boyfriend addicted to cocaine #30511

    Thank you so much this is it I told him last time not to and he has again . He has nowhere to go if I kick him out or he does but thinks I don’t love him want to be with him so I feel bad and tell him I do and he promises he will change . He has net he won’t admit to me he has a problem but lied when I asked him if he took it yesterday and 15 mins later is of his head on it . Thank you so much I have only spoken to one person and you on here about it as have none to turn to . His cousin actually knows how he gets and said he had a problem now he don’t talk to her as he thinks we all wanted him out the house when he acted crazy on it and keeps telling me he should just go and end it and kill himself

    in reply to: Being with a cocaine addict. #30510

    Thank you of course not we come here to get advice talk to people because I feel I have none to turn to talk to … he took again last night but try’s to say to me and turn it around I don’t want him and tell him the truth I don’t love him he takes it cause he’s got some financial problems bills etc but I said it will never make your problems go away . But I come back and more I read tour reply’s the more I know it’s the truth and will be the only way to help him is by being firm and harsh . Only we can decide and then at the end of the day it is killing me . Thank you all so much I don’t know who else to turn talk to and your advice where others have been through the same thing is helping me a lot

    in reply to: Being with a cocaine addict. #30361

    That’s very true thank you . Yes next day sometimes he gets up cry’s and leaves. Cause he knows he’s done wrong and don’t want to admit it to himself . At the moment he’s living with me with my parents as he’s waiting to his house to be sold so he can look for a place down here so he has nowhere to go which makes it even harder. I know he’s lovely when he doesn’t take that stuff but I can tell when he will and won’t tell me the truth and feels like the whole thing is a lie . And that he obvisoulz loves cocaine more then me … he last got a new phone to get rid of numbers of his dealer and magically he got on it again last night . Every time this happens I tell him you obviously don’t love me as much as you say you do cause you don’t want to get help . Just back and forth

    in reply to: Being with a cocaine addict. #30350

    Same as me just read your posts . He was up all night doing again went into his crazy paranoia moods . Watching porn acting weird I can’t take it anymore it’s happened time and time again as much as I love him it’s making me feel he don’t love me as much as I do if he can do this to me time and time again . It’s breaking my heart seeing him do it to himself . He was supposed to take me to a motorbike training thing today and got to of his nut I had to cancel as I could ent make it . Nothing is gonna work he believes there’s no problem

    in reply to: Boyfriend addicted to cocaine #30349

    Thank you update he took again last night was awake all night with him . He was supposed to take me to a bike thing today but I had to cance due to him taking and now being unable to . I’ve told him I don’t want to speak to him and cried because he lied to me when I asked him yesterday if he took he kept saying no what’s the problem bang he’s done it again. I don’t know where else to turn we’ve had many conversations and I think your right until he realises him self but nothing is working . I think I need to be mean and not nice anymore to finally get him to realise?

    in reply to: Being with a cocaine addict. #30098

    And he’s in his 30s works hard but one time took it at work on his own and was completely of his but I rang him as he didn’t come home and he was sitting in the dark in the house he worked in on his own taking it and I think that’s sad I don’t feel he’s happy as he says he is and thinks it’s me that’s the problem I don’t know anymore 🙁

    in reply to: Being with a cocaine addict. #30096

    Hi I’m in a similar situation . My partner takes is every week or so. Wakes me up without me knowing he’s done it as he hides it as I’ve told him no he lied to me I knew he took it and he told me he hadn’t I wake up he wants sex and gets angry at me if I try and pull away because I don’t want to be with him when he’s on it like that it’s not him it’s like a different person. The next day he blames me and won’t accept he has a problem . He is the nicest caring guy I’ve ever known when he’s not on it but he’ll sneakly get it behind me back and I feel I am nagging him telling him I don’t want it in our lives but he don’t care . I feel your pain and how you are . The only way they will stop if they think there gonna lose you and not feel bad guilty or let it go because that’s what I’ve been doing and it’s got me no where . He is getting more paranoid . But best thing is to say enough is enough hard as it is but please let me know how you get on I don’t know what else to do either

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