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  • in reply to: New to the forum #12340


    in reply to: New here #12331

    Hi mate, I do but feel like I’ve got it back in control just weekend use lol but am I just kidding myself again for it all to spiral out of control, honestly I don’t think I would let it as I’m in a good mental place with it, it’s kind of like most normal people fancying a drink rather than an alcoholic craving it, but you know what I mean as I see you still dabble, it’s fucking hard not to

    in reply to: New here #12328

    Not sure why my first reply had question marks was meant to be xxx lol

    in reply to: New here #12327

    Just realised this is mainly for families or those around people with drink or drug issues so maybe this post was on the wrong forum but I have a lot of experience first hand of the signs and issues surrounding substance abuse, 25yrs worth including one of my best friends passing away and others around me suffering the ravages of drugs, mental breakdowns, suicide attempts and families not knowing what to do, so if I can help in any way at all I will, give me a shout, I’m here for help myself but can help others, nobody can face these things alone and once you realise that it’s a big step in the right direction.

    in reply to: New to the forum #12325

    So right about it not being fun after a while, all good when your 18yrs old on a sunny Saturday going raving or whatever, not so much when your 35yrs old getting packets dropped off to work on a rainy Tuesday.

    in reply to: New to the forum #12324

    I used to tell myself I wasn’t addicted and I could stop at any time, but I never did. I think because I was working every hour I could and paying for it or getting it on tick or loans etc and not robbing people for my habit that it was ok and under control but I was just fooling myself, at the end of the day once problems and relationships suffer there is a problem and it sounds like your partner had a case of paranoia at best. In my experience heavy weed use is a prime suspect for that especially if he’s been using it from a young age, the coke will not help matters but he needs help no two ways about it, keep your head up you are not to blame ????

    in reply to: New here #12323

    Nice one thanks, I will do ????

    in reply to: New here #12322

    Yeah not too bad, and you ?

    in reply to: New to this #12234

    Bless you, things will get easier. I lost one of my best friends drug related and it’s hard, much more so for you I would imagine, I’m here if you need to talk or just blow off steam, keep your head up

    in reply to: New to the forum #12233

    Hi, I’m new here too, I’ve been addicted to coke for years at my worst was doing it everyday at work, home, everywhere by myself, it’s cost me everything and yet I still have a few packets a week but better than a few a day, I’ve been taking all kinds of drugs from about 13yrs old before I started puberty ???? but getting on top of it ???? hopefully we can all help each other

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