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  • in reply to: Partner uses cocaine #21820

    I have replied to you somewhere in here but I think I replied to myself!!!!!!!!Thank you

    in reply to: Partner uses cocaine #21818

    Thank you so much for your reply. I didn’t expect to get one, I was happy for just sounding off, like I was screaming really. What you have said means a lot to me and I know you are right. I told him I couldn’t move on unless he got help. He ‘says’ he’s been to the doctors but I have no proof of this. He didn’t mention it until I asked (after the appointment). I know if it was me I would have called him straight away to talk about it. There has been no mention of anything since and it’s been a few weeks now! I have made my mind up that he is just stringing me along, telling me what I want to hear so I get drawn in again. I’ve decided not to mention the ‘doctors appointment’ again, just to see how long it takes him to mention something. I do feel a lot better lately. I have been limiting the messages and occupying myself at home. I feel in a good place at the moment and feel even better after reading your message thank you so much

    in reply to: Partner uses cocaine #21817

    Hi, sorry to hear you are experiencing the same as me! it’s horrible isn’t it? I’ve been to the doctors with him before but he refused the offer of cognitive therapy, only because at the time he knew he didn’t want to come off them, he was just visiting the doctor to give me what I wanted. He says he has spoken to the doctor 3 weeks ago but I don’t believe him. He said the doctors advice was ‘stop drinking and you won’t want the drugs’. As if any professional person would just send you away with that advice.! When I asked if he has offered therapy, he said he was sending something through the post. That was another dishonest response, I don’t think he would have said anything only I asked. I don’t live with him no so will never find out if anything has arrived. thank you for the recommendation of Frank, I have a few things to consider now. I hope your situation gets better for you, take care

    in reply to: Partner uses cocaine #21816

    Thank you for reply and thank you so much for the website details. I will definitely have a look, I have realised that his actions have had an impact on my mental health and I need to try and work on myself.

    in reply to: Partner uses cocaine #21809

    Thank you so much for your reply. Sorry I’ve only just seen it.

    You are so right in what you are saying. He is scared to live without me and that’s his selfishness again, he never thinks about my mental health. You are also right about him turning things on me, I am always to blame for his behaviour but I’m not a horrible person.

    I’m so happy for you that you managed to get off the drug. Can I ask what process you went through? In your opinion, do you think he can get off this drug by himself without the help of some counselling or cognitive therapy? He says he’s been to the doctors because I’ve told him I won’t move on unless he gets clean. He was very vague with the feedback though. He didn’t even mention the appointment until I mentioned it. I asked him what was said during the phone conversation with the doctor and he was very vague, he was laughing while he was telling me too. He told me the doctors’ advice was to stay off the drink and then you won’t want the drugs! I don’t believe that he’s actually spoken to the doctor for one second. He said the doctor is supposed to be sending something to him through the post. I don’t live with him though so I will never know. This is about 3 weeks ago and he hasn’t mentioned anything since. I refuse to bring it up now, I’m waiting to see if he mentions something first.

    There have been a few weekends lately where he hasn’t been in touch on a Friday of Saturday, saying he has no Wifi, he tells me he’s at his home though!

    I’m absolutely sick to death of trying to read between the lines in his messages, I don’t trust him at all.

    I never give him any money, he taken from me over the years. I have my own house and I’ve let him live there practically rent free. He loses so many jobs due to not turning in because of withdrawal or owing colleagues money for the drugs.

    He portrays himself as being in a better place at the moment, although he came out of work last Friday, said he had a stomach bug, that sounds alarm bells with me, I can’t even trust him to have a bug!!

    I am pleased to say that I’m in a better place at the moment too. Because of lockdown I haven’t been able to see him. I think I’m using that as the excuse to be honest.

    I really value your advice and thank you so much for taking the time to reply to me. I’m so glad you managed to turn yourself around, you sound like a great dad, take care

    in reply to: Partner uses cocaine #21808

    Thank you so much for your reply. I didn’t expect to get one, I was happy for just sounding off, like I was screaming really. What you have said means a lot to me and I know you are right. I told him I couldn’t move on unless he got help. He ‘says’ he’s been to the doctors but I have no proof of this. He didn’t mention it until I asked (after the appointment). I know if it was me I would have called him straight away to talk about it. There has been no mention of anything since and it’s been a few weeks now! I have made my mind up that he is just stringing me along, telling me what I want to hear so I get drawn in again. I’ve decided not to mention the ‘doctors appointment’ again, just to see how long it takes him to mention something. I do feel a lot better lately. I have been limiting the messages and occupying myself at home. I feel in a good place at the moment and feel even better after reading your message thank you so much

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