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  • in reply to: Partner and cocaine #22650

    Hi Dan, thanks so much for your reply. I saw some of your replies to others- your family must be so proud of you, not only for getting help for yourself but also being there for others.

    I know that coming home won’t make any difference, he was using whilst he was living here (not in the house but making excuses to go out) so it would just be an excuse for more lies. I called his GP for him but they wouldn’t speak to me and he won’t call himself. He did go to one group in around October last year but he said it wasn’t for him and never went back.

    I totally agree about him needing to want to quit, he says all the right things but there is no action behind it. Payday comes and 3 days later the whole wage has gone. The main issue is many of his dealers are ‘friends’ and many are work colleagues, despite him telling them that he has a problem they just turn up at his work etc. He rarely drinks although when he does it is a trigger, he doesnt have social media and he has previously blocked the numbers but they are on a list of ‘blocked numbers’ so they are easy to find.

    I have asked that he doesn’t see the children until he is well but I’m not even sure if that’s the right way to go. I am just so scared he is going to die and I am trying to shield the kids from that as much as possible. He has been complaining of pains in his chest and keeps saying that he wants to die.

    Keep positive Dan, you are doing great ????

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