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  • in reply to: Recovering cocaine addict – ask me anything #29834

    This is amazing!! James you are absolutely awesome!! I’m really sorry to read everything that you have been through but you must be so so proud of yourself for your outlook now.

    My husband is very much in denial, I have caught him out more times than I can write.. but I am coming to you for advice with a heavy heart. He’s left me… I found a text on his phone asking for some on Friday night.. I found it… cried!! And cried and cried. He’s turned around to me just today and said it’s not working and it’s the marriage that’s the problem… not the drug taking, the betrayal, the lies???. But the marriage?? He’s toddled off to his mums and left me and his three children… no second thought apart from he’s better off without me.

    I’m absolutely destroyed!! I have genuinely never done anything but love that man, I’ve given him 12 years of my life and he’s just gone? Our marriage hasn’t been perfect but it’s pretty damn close to it!! From the outside we are the picture perfect family, two amazing careers, beautiful home, 3 fantastic children and a dog!! How can he leave all of this??? The worst part.. how can he leave all this and make me out to be the problem. He’s actually happy he’s left!! What the ….. !!!!

    Im sorry if this is all jumbled and doesn’t make sense, my brain is absolutely mush!!

    in reply to: The merry go round from hell #29833

    Navy 🙁 I am so so sorry!! It’s disgusting what we go through.. that’s when my husband would do it.. when I was in bed or asleep on the sofa.

    My husband has left me, yep LEFT ME!! He says ‘it’s for the best’ and ‘it’s not working’ I’m beyond confused! Imagine just loving and doting on someone for 12 years for them to turn around and leave with their head held high after what they’ve done?

    I’m so done xxx

    in reply to: Will I ever trust him? #29826

    This actually made me cry, to see that I am actually not the only person going through this… I’m so sorry that you’re dealing with this also.

    He used to admit it, but now he doesn’t class himself as an addict and it’s really sad. I’m the bad one, I’m the one overreacting… it’s absolutely killing me. I’m 31 with three beautiful kids and an amazing job… And I just feel like I have nothing because my mind is so full with worry and anxiety about him and what he’s doing. I feel like I’m literally living a double life. I’m the same, being treated for depression and I know every single thing about cocaine and have never done it either.

    Yes I also feel that calm that you’re talking about but then my mind flicks back to the 12 years we’ve had together and the life that we’ve shared… it’s an absolute rollercoaster and I feel sick!

    What is your situation right now purpleheart? Xxx

    in reply to: Will I ever trust him? #29822

    I’m absolutely devastated to be adding to my original post, I truly can’t believe it was years ago to be honest.

    I’m sadden to give the update that my husband hasn’t changed… the therapy, counselling and antidepressants were short lived (as is everything with him) but he is still taking cocaine… and lying about it. Things have spiralled out of control, he lies and hides it (and I then find bags and blood sprained tissues in his pockets.)

    I am beside myself, he’s gone to his mums to stay tonight after an argument. I found a text he had sent a ‘friend’ last night when we were literally at home… asking for cocaine. He believes he’s done nothing wrong as the person didn’t reply… I see it as ANOTHER betrayal.

    I am bitter, nasty and cold towards him and have been since this first post back in 2020! Things would be so different if he just told me the truth!!

    Does it ever get better? 🙁

    in reply to: The merry go round from hell #29821

    I could’ve written this post myself Purpleheart… I am currently on the same merry go round. It is absolutely, wholeheartedly exhausting. My husband has left to go to his mums tonight and it’s just heartbreaking.

    I have no words to help, I just wanted you to know that you really aren’t alone in this horrible situation xxx

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