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  • in reply to: Boyfriend has a cocaine addiction, help what can I do #20464

    Ok. I’m just going to say it – ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?! RUN!! He needs long term rehab (at least 90 days of in house rehab – even then, it takes an average of 3 rehab stints before it works – if it works). He knows he has a problem, takes money from you. Do some serious research about how addicts ruin families, drain finances, and why are you giving him money when you know he’s an addict? You are enabling him! You are a part of the problem. And you allow him around your kids? You are not married to this guy, he’s not the father of his kids, you’ll ruin your children’s lives. I am going to be straight up honest – you are enabling him, I question what kind of mom you are for allowing a known addict around your kids. “I love him’?!? Grow up!! I’m dealing with an addict who’s ripping my family apart. I’m doing my darnest to get this addict out of my family’s life. What this kid is doing to our family is absolutely normal. He will ruin you and your kids lives. Get real and get rid of him!

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