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  • in reply to: Drug addict parents #16375

    Well congratulations on graduating and becoming a nurse- that definitely can’t have been easy with everything you’re going through – you should be proud of yourself and with this determination I have no doubt you will be a great nurse – and can I just say that with everything going on in the world right now you have my total respect.

    I get what you’re saying about missing out on mother/daughter memories and appreciate that must be sad for you but until your mum makes any effort to change it sounds like it’s time to put yourself first for a while and make good memories through work or with friends who are sometimes more precious than family.

    So sorry to hear about your brother who hasn’t been as fortunate as you- he is still young too so hopefully he will get a break soon and a chance to make something of himself too. You both sound like smart individuals and I wish you both well. Stay safe x

    in reply to: Drug addict parents #16368

    This is a tragic story, I have tears in my eyes reading this and felt the need to respond. I’m so glad you felt able to write all this down and get some pain out. I can’t imagine what you are going through but needed to assure you that you are absolutely not to blame for anything.

    These forums are good for opening up if you feel unable to do that to people close in your life.

    From reading your story it seems that despite everything you are going though you have graduated from uni and are managing to keep your life on track which is admirable and shows your strength in character. All you can do is be there for your mum as she needs to want the help and sounds like she is not ready for this. Addiction is not easy as I have watched family members go through this myself- I hope your mum finds the strength to beat this one day. Do you have a good circle of friends around you and you spoke about you nan, do you have a good relationship with her to support each other? Life is cruel and you sometimes not everyone can be saved but you can choose to save yourself. I’m here if you ever need to chat more x

    in reply to: alcoholic father #16363


    Your story sounds so similar to mine with my Fiancé. He can go for days without drink (only ever drinks wine) but then binges and it’s becoming worse during this lockdown. He is also on medication for depression which isn’t helping and I’m also just so exhausted with it all.

    He’s been pretty much drinking since Friday afternoon and last night I’d had enough and told him if he didn’t address this things were over and we should put house up for sale- tbh he was so drunk he didn’t seem to care and he just started to get really unpleasant which I’m sure he’ll regret when he sobers. I do love him and really don’t want it to come to this ( infact we are booked to get married abroad next year) but just want the man I fell in love with back. I don’t know where to go from here as it’s really impacting our relationship and he doesn’t seem to care or be doing much about it. How do you cope?

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