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  • in reply to: My son is an addict #20112

    I will keep my fingers crossed for you. There is help out there lots of help so don’t do it alone????

    in reply to: My son is an addict #20107

    Hi Johnboy

    Thank you for your comments I know that he won’t except that. Hence y I’m asking him to leave.

    He has some time to sort himself out but I doubt it now.

    I hope you manage to stop taking coke because all life’s are precious.

    in reply to: My son is an addict #20079

    Hi Failedmam

    My heart goes out to you.

    Stay strong I know it’s hard. Our natural instinct tells us to protect and support as I’m sure you have done. I did the same.

    My son is 29 I have now had enough so I threw him out and he did wonder the streets for a while. He is with me only because he has a jaw infection but I have got him a room and he will now be going to stay there from next week.

    No one can tell you what to do but carry on using Adfam and trust what they say they have been fantastic.

    My son is in disbelief abt what I’m doing. I’m doing it because.i love him and I need to stop enabling him. Stay at mums don’t have to work smoke weed and drink. My biggest mistake is that I did not do it earlier. It’s hard as you worry but I had to think abt my life . If he has money for weed and drink then he can use it now for lodgings.

    Btw you are not a failed mam it’s there choice not yours!

    I also recently joined a group who help families and they have been fantastic they to understand what we go through.

    One thing be prepared to be upset I cried everyday but I feel stronger and fingers crossed changing things time will tell for the better. I don’t expect the next few months to be easy but I just think I have no choice but to do this. I could not see him on the street so given him an olive branch now his choice to change.

    Keep getting support and stay strong.

    in reply to: My son is an addict #19743

    I’m at my wits end not sure if I can take any more my son now got pulled for weed. It’s constant I’m so unhappy feel like I want to run away he’s rude abusive don’t care abt any one. I have given him time to save to get a room until Jan he does not go to work drinks and smokes weed then blames me. He then tells me he will kill himself. I have gone past trying and I want to scream and someone to say it’s ok but it’s not it’s destroying me so much so my partner is moving out he can’t take it anymore.

    I’m starting to not like my son and want to sell my house so I can get away from him.

    I feel so alone no one to help or talk to . I keep breaking down don’t know how much more I can take.

    in reply to: My son is an addict #19720

    Thank you so hard at times wonder what I did wrong to deserve this.

    in reply to: My son is an addict #19663

    Thank you for your kind words I realise now my son is an addict.

    I have tried helping but he does not want help.

    I have now told him he has to get a room somewhere by January whilst he lives with me he thinks he does not have to work.

    He makes these choices drugs drink not working not me and now I’m strong enough to say enough is enough.

    Very hard but I know it’s the right thing.

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