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  • in reply to: Does he even care #26798

    Hello I know this is an old thread (not even sure if this is the right word lol)

    But I was reading through them as my partner is a crack addict.

    I was just wondering how you are doing?

    I found your be insight useful.

    in reply to: Can I just say no? #26797

    Thank you for responding.

    We tried CA and he was doing well but then lockdown came and meetings went online and it wasn’t the same for him.

    He returned though.He tried 3 different sponsors the first had to stop as was having difficulties of his own, the second wasn’t really available due to work and the third lied and that was it he was done. Never been the same since

    We don’t live together as I have children and cannot bring the chaos into their lives. His housing situation is a nightmare as he is placed in a block of flats where other addicts and dealers live. They all no when it’s each others “pay day”Poor credit so no private landlords will touch him.

    He has tried very hard. He seems so desperate for a friend other than me. He is trying therapy for his childhood trauma but that seems to trigger use.

    I think his nearest CA meeting is 5 miles away but I will try and encourage him to return.

    Thank you for reading this.

    in reply to: Can I just say no? #26795

    Just reading your post and wanted to thank you for this insight.

    I am in the position of needing to put myself first, protect myself from the lies etc but have been torn up inside knowing he is not a bad person but the drugs change him and we have had some good times. The other half of me is not sure if he is capable of change, it is all he has known his whole life and he is 46 now. Maybe it’s too late for change with very little support available unless you can pay for it.

    Thank you for sharing it is always interesting to get perspective from the other side.

    in reply to: I’ve walked away #26792

    Hi Esta

    I was overwhelmed that you thought of me and then couldn’t find the strength to respond because of the mess I am in and feel so stupid.

    Will try and cut a long story short but I stuck to my guns, then his mam cut him off and I knew he had no-one at Christmas. I felt so sad for him stuck in his horrible flat with no food. So I said he could come for Christmas dinner. It was horrible he was skin and bone and he was falling asleep at the table. Nothing would wake him and I know too well that that is his come down sleep. I really don’t know what my family must of thought but they said nothing and neither did I.

    I took him back home Christmas day and from what I gather went on a drug binge and then fell in to depression and told me he was suicidal. He said he was done with drugs and wanted help.

    Stupidly I agreed to help and he managed 2 weeks sober and now he is back hounding me for money. Tonight I have flung money at him and walked out. I know it enables him but I can’t stand the thought of violence. So gave him it and left. At present I am a mixture of anger and sadness. I don’t know where to turn.

    Whilst he was doing well for the 2 weeks he went and asked for help from drug services but it was useless there is no treatment for crack cocaine. He is already on a opiate substitute. There really is not much in our area.

    I’m sorry for my late reply but I’m so disappointed with myself for being so weak.

    I hope you are well as you obviously have your own story. Thank you for thinking of me.

    in reply to: I’ve walked away #25828

    Thank you for your kind words and taking time to respond.

    I’m really struggling and not going to lie. I thought I could be a strong independent woman and do what needed to be done and get on with it with my head held high. I’m so wrong☹️

    The forum is my only outlet as I’m having to suppress everything and no one knows about my situation I still have work, look after kids, pets, house etc. It’s causing extreme anxiety. I just feel like I can’t grieve, breathe or think as life is so busy with everything else.

    I made the mistake of seeing him today. I drove him to his therapy session on my break. When I had to drop him back off it was like saying goodbye all over again. My heart’s broke and my soul aches. I sobbed and sobbed and he held me but he didn’t shed a tear. He must of got board as after about two minutes he said he needed to go in and have something to eat!

    This hurt so much as I wish I could eat!! I just feel sick to the stomach.

    I know he doesn’t deserve me and what he has done has been cruel but then why do I care so much, I think there is something wrong with me. If I was giving advice to a friend I would tell them to have got rid ages ago. Seems I can’t follow my own advice.

    I feel empty, confused and deeply sad. I wish I could say I’ve made the right decision but I can’t see past the sadness yet.

    in reply to: The story of a dual addict #25634

    Thank you so much for this. You have helped me see things clearer.

    You should be proud of how far you have come. I wish you well going forward, don’t give up. I always say to my partner the only way to lose a fight is to give up. Cheesy I know but I think it keeps me strong too.

    Thank you again ☺️

    in reply to: The story of a dual addict #25631

    Thank you so much for taking the time to reply and honestly.

    He was at his most motivated prior to lockdown. He was attending the CA meetings but his sponsor kept letting him down when they were meant to meet and he lost faith. It’s been a ongoing battle since then.

    I just wish he could find a good support who can understand him. I try but I have not lived that life. The area he lives in it’s hard to escape it so everyday must be a battle for him. He lives in a block of flats which just seems to house addicts or dealers. So the fact he has had some abstinence is amazing but if he really wants it should he not be able to achieve it anywhere? Each time he moves area it’s the same story.

    I wish there was more support out there for addictions and mental health.

    I completely agree with you about being the most resilient of people. Anyone who achieves some form of recovery should be proud.

    I’m scared to leave him alone in all of this in case he never comes back. My love and strength is tested on a daily basis. I’ve got on my knees and begged God to help him. I don’t want this amazing person who without drugs is kind and caring to disappear in to that life but I can’t live his life for him ☹️

    Thank you again for reading this.

    in reply to: The story of a dual addict #25627

    Hello your story offers hope. You must have amazing strength. Thank you for sharing.

    My partner had a similar childhood but he was placed in care, where he was physically and sexually abused. He is now in his 40s and only known a life of crime and addiction.

    When he met 4 years ago he said he wanted a new life. he has had numerous attempts at abstinence, as I am not a drug or alcohol user.

    He tried 12 steps twice but got let down by those who were meant to support him. He has moved from heroin to crack cocaine. He lies constantly and I recently found out he has been drug dealing and that I can’t cope with or support in any way.

    He says he is going to try again. He is currently having EMDR therapy but says it is this that has caused the relapse. He has changed showing no emotion other than anger.

    We can’t afford rehab and the area we live in has little support and what is offered is of poor quality.

    I am at a loss of what to do. I know he is in there somewhere but I’m losing hope after so many attempts of trying. He is always drawn to negative associates and when I try to discourage the relationships he says I’m controlling. I have become a shell of a person because of his addiction and behaviour.

    How have you achieved your new life. What was a turning point. He has so much love around him from me and my family but do I need to leave so he can be rock bottom?

    Thank you

    in reply to: Crack cocaine and the deception #18157

    If its still early days for your relationship, you might just escape this. My experience of being in a relationship with an addict, is just one of deceit and hurt. Unfortunately it was a year before I realised. I always thought my love would help – you know change things as he has never had that or family but today I understand I will never be enough nor can I fight this for him.


    in reply to: Crack cocaine and the deception #18155

    Sorry. I replied to myself, still getting used to this.


    Thank you for replying.

    I have been told there are no drugs. Drug agency wont help with rehab. Said you have to jump through hoops to get funding.

    It is a horrible drug which leaves you always wanting more. I have been told you always crave it once you have had it. Is this true?

    He took £20 of my money tonight and used. Now he wants more.

    I feel the same I have lost all my energy.

    Is this a relapse for you partner?

    in reply to: Crack cocaine and the deception #18154


    Thank you for replying.

    I have been told there are no drugs. Drug agency wont help with rehab. Said you have to jump through hoops to get funding.

    It is a horrible drug which leaves you always wanting more. I have been told you always crave it once you have had it. Is this true?

    He took £20 of my money tonight and used. Now he wants more.

    I feel the same I have lost all my energy.

    Is this a relapse for you partner?

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