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  • in reply to: Cocaine Addict Partner #22707

    I know exactly how you feel. It’s so hard when you love them so much but what they are doing to us just isn’t okay. Maybe in time he will get the help he needs. You are doing the right thing and you will be so happy in the end. Stay strong 🙂

    in reply to: Addiction to cocaine #22682

    Hahaha I tried that with this guy!! Before I gave him my number I asked if he was into any drugs and he said no he did it when he was younger ???? you take care of yourself too!!!

    in reply to: Addiction to cocaine #22681

    Thank you so much for the reply. You are so right this will be the best thing! I just read your story. I am so sorry for what you are going through. I could not imagine, it’s so sad what addiction does to our loved ones. Your son is really lucky to have you.

    in reply to: Addiction to cocaine #22677

    I’m so proud of you! All you can do is take it day by day right. I’m the same as well. I’ve decided I can’t ever be a family with him and I almost feel a sense of relief. I just hope he can get better for his kids. They need a healthy dad.

    in reply to: Addiction to cocaine #22676

    Hi Dan! That is so amazing!! You must feel amazing, I can imagine it’s not easy. As far as I know he isn’t using anymore. When I drop my son off he has to do a drug test but I know that it would only show a day or two. I keep finding out about more escorts and on Friday he had one and he passed his drug test on Saturday so to know that he wasn’t on drugs while he paid for one has made me lose so much respect to the point that I’m done. I just can’t wrap my head around someone saying they’ll do anything to be a family again but be doing all this shady stuff. I will look into CA I actually haven’t heard of that! At this point I can only wish he can stay clean for his kids which I hope he can. Take care of yourself! 🙂

    in reply to: Addiction to cocaine #22496

    Thank you so much for the reply. I am so sorry you are also going through this. 9 years is such a long time I think you are so amazing for doing that. It’s so upsetting. Why do we give them

    so many chances? I always see the best in everyone but I’m slowly believing that maybe I’m wrong. How are you? That must of been hard for you for him to have gotten clean for 3 years? I feel that makes it even harder to move on because you know they can do it but choose not to.

    Yes, It is honestly so hard with kids. I just want to block him out of my life to move on but I can’t because of our son so I told him to only text or call if it’s about him but of course today I’m getting so many messages about how he loves me and can’t do life without me and let’s figure this out since we are a family messages which is so hard when before he was trying to blame me and it just breaks me because my family is my everything. If he would put in half the effort he does to cover up a lie I’d be back in a heartbeat but I don’t think he’s ready to be better and that’s hard for me. I am also here if you ever need anything! I glad you are feeling strong this time and I hope for the best for you!


    It is so hard isn’t it? Just remember it is NEVER YOU. Addicts will say whatever they can to try and make you think otherwise. I’ve been in your shoes where I have questioned if maybe I was wrong and that I was just assuming but girl, trust your gut. I have a great support system then when he relapses and tries to tell me I’m wrong and crazy, i go to them to reassure me so my mind doesn’t listen to the lies he’s saying. He clearly hasn’t accepted his problem yet and I wish I could tell you it’ll get better but it will be a long road and he will most definitely take his anger out on you and say things he does not mean. It’s up to you if that’s the life you want. I have hope mine can beat it but to be honest I really don’t know anymore.

    in reply to: Am I making myself crazy? #18516

    You are not crazy. I ignored my gut feelings for months and they were never wrong. I hope the best for you and I hope he can be honest with you

    in reply to: My world shattered by my partner on cocaine #18515

    I’m going through the exact same thing you are. I have left multiple times in hopes he will change for myself and our kids. I am finally living separately while trying to help but he keeps relapsing and I’m not sure I can keep living my life this way. One thing I know for sure is to never believe them. They know how to lie so good it will make you second guess yourself to the point you think you are crazy. I hope the best for you and stay strong!


    Im in the same situation except that I have a child with my guy which makes it even harder. He’s so good when he is good but the lying that comes with cocaine addiction is something else. Do you ever feel like you are second guessing yourself?

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