Thank you for taking the time to read, since I wrote this, this morning my brother has been arrested and is in court tomorrow. He rang my other brother crying for him to give him a bail address. The tears are false he just does this to get a reaction, it leaves us feeling guilty though even though we have already done everything we can. I just want him to be my little brother again instead of this monster he has turned into. It’s like he has a split personality. He got out in May last year and for the first few months he couldn’t do enough for all of us. He was really trying to get a job and get driving. Then looking back you can see the downward spiral start, sitting in his room all the time, the lying, the sneaking about, he lost the weight he managed to gain, he started getting spots all over his face again and he looked pasty all the time.
I feel like you I am ashamed to talk to anyone about him, my dads mum disowned him years ago when he swore to my grandad on his death bed he was going to turn his life around and then later that day broke into my nans house whilst she was in the hospital and robbed her.
Its just so sad that he will no longer be apart of our life…