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  • in reply to: Desperate for help #21221

    Hey Thankyou for these words of encouragement I had an early night last night and the interview went well today so fingers crossed! I have planned my evening this evening to avoid any triggers including my partner although seems silly I’ve planned to do my food shop in the evening and once home I’m going to hang some pictures on my wall as we only moved house 3 weeks ago so still lots to do and settling in. This is good for me because means I have distractions so I’m really hoping it means I can avoid urge of temptation. I felt so much better this morning after 3 solid nights sleep and so I’m looking forward to this continuing. How are you doing today? I hope all is well in your world thanks again for all the tips and guidance. I’m so glad I found this forum x

    in reply to: Desperate for help #21208

    This is all so useful for me Thankyou. I’ve already planned my evening tonight and I’m looking forward to going to bed after nice relaxing bath with my meditation audio and getting some self care back into my routine! I am so so grateful for even being able to speak on here to people who understand and who will not judge me honestly it’s the biggest help right now. I’m aiming for 1 week as I know if I say I’m never doing it again I’m likely to set myself up to fail. If I set myself week by week challenge I think it’ll seem easier to conquer. The issue is with my partner I know he won’t stop. He lies about it and is so dishonest he doesn’t see it as a problem. I used to go mad when I found out he’d been doing it behind my back back in the days when I didn’t really touch it. Now i find myself just as bad as him. I’m disgusted with myself but I know I have it in me to stop. If he carries on It will mean he will have to leave the family home because this is now make or break sadly. If we can’t stop together we’ll have to separate for the greater good for us both. Thankyou so much for the opportunity to talk to people like yourself who are listening and not passing judgement! Massive appreciation for all of these posts ❤️

    in reply to: Desperate for help #21202

    Thankyou so much for your reply I am very encouraged by the stories I am reading on here. It’s given me faith already that this road to recovery is possible. I will be online tomorrow in the pre empting knowledge that I will be experiencing cravings. Ridiculous how subtly This has got a hold on me 🙁 at least I now have a place to come online when I’m having these incessant impulses. Thanks again for your reply it means more than you will know❤️All the best to your son It’s great to hear he is doing well! X

    in reply to: Desperate for help #21201

    Thankyou so much I really appreciate all these words- I am so ready to call it quits and I really do feel that this online forum could be an excellent starting point. I know today I won’t feel like it as I have a really important job interview tomorrow. What worries me is tomorrow-if job interview goes well il probably feel like celebrating but if it goes badly il feel like blocking things out so I plan to come on here and document my struggle and reach out for help in those few hours of cravings. The replies mean so much to me so Thankyou to both who have sent kind words of encouragement! I read Dots post and it gave me so much faith that it is possible. 9 months seems a long way off but it does show it is possible. Thanks again everyone. Feeling good and motivated today to get this sorted once and for all❤️My friend laughed when I told her I’m seeking help saying I don’t have a problem? I told her I’d rather her say nothing if she can’t be supportive x

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