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  • in reply to: Here to help #14026

    Hey sorry for the late reply I’m a bit of a noob when it comes to navigating this forum. I thought initially having an online support group through Facebook and or YouTube and going from there. What do you think?

    in reply to: Can someone please help me #14024

    Hi sorry for late reply I’m not great at navigating this forum. It may be an idea to a drug diary how much you take when you take it and why. Personally I found tapering too hard as if I had them I ended up taking them. Are you able to take some time off and do a detox?

    in reply to: Codine #13991

    Hey silentheart please know you are not alone I had a codeine addiction for many years. I was taking boxes of the stuff every day. Unfortunately it’s the paracetamol or ibuprofen which is the most dangerous part. Paracetamol in particular is very toxic and has no antidote to reverse an overdose. Do you have a good relationship with your doctor? Another option may be to go to a local drug service for help. I here you on the cold Turkey it does really suck but it is possible. If you are prescribed them the doctor does have a duty of care to help you if you are abusing them

    in reply to: I’m stuck, I’m not stuck, I’m stuck #13990

    Hi I thought it was psychology as you have great awareness. It’s not crazy in my opinion anybody working in the mental health field who has lots of life experience are very genuine and empathic. I am an addiction worker and I have had my own addiction and really poor mental health at times. You said you are looking for advice. I’m happy to chat with you. I think it often helps to talk with someone who is neutral to the situation. Cass

    in reply to: You don’t take drugs, the drugs take you … #13987

    Pink wings you have absolutely done the right thing. I am in recovery and I think the hardest part was learning I can’t rescue other people from addiction. You have done everything you can and have been more than tolerant. I know the powerlessness is really hard to sit with. I think it’s a really good idea to get counselling. When I was in active addiction I didn’t really care about anyone but myself I was doing it to mask mental pain and I was very blinkered. When I was in rehab and my sister told me how traumatic it was to watch me did I realise how I had affected others. One of the founders of alcoholics anonymous Wife Lois Wilson started al anon up for family members as they realised the family needed to recover as well. I’m wondering if there is something like this you could attend. I know that smart recovery have friends and family meetings.

    in reply to: I’m stuck, I’m not stuck, I’m stuck #13986

    Hi trruelee you have been through so much. It’s great that you are reaching out for support as it sounds like therapists have not been helpful even detrimental. I love that you recognise that you do have great resilience but at times it gets too much to bear you also sound like you see the best in others and are hopeful. I think it sounds like a good idea moving out as it sounds like you are getting a lot if your bf and his mums trauma projected at you. What are you studying?

    in reply to: Just want to be free! #13985

    Hi Lara you are doing amazing. I found magnesium helped with irregular heart beat and restless leg. RLS was the worst part for me I would be crying in bed thinking I wanted to chop my legs off to get some release. I used loperamide for diarrhoea and antihistamines when I got the itchy skin. You are not crazy its your body fighting back. When you withdraw from a drug it does the opposite of what the drug did so opiates constipate and make you drowsy so in withdrawal you can’t sleep and have diarrhoea. Your body is constantly trying to find equilibrium and its struggling without the external chemicals you have been giving it. It does get better I promise you. Keep going you go this

    in reply to: Can someone please help me #13876

    Hey Linda please know there is a way out even though it doesn’t feel like it. How much do you take on average every day?

    in reply to: Can someone please help me #13870

    Hi Linda would it be possible to take some time off work and keep your job? Employers should treat addiction like any other illness unfortunately that’s not always the case. It may be an idea to go and tell your gp exactly what is going on. Its tricky with doctors as well but as you are prescribed the codeine they do I believe have a duty of care to help you with a safe taper. I work for a recovery hub and I’m happy to chat with you.

    in reply to: Don’t know how much more i can take. #13824

    Hi Claire

    I work in the addiction field and am in recovery myself. Loved ones often get overlooked but they need recovery as much as the person in addiction. The powerlessness can be crippling. I here what your counsellor is saying about not enabling your partner even though it’s easier said than done. It’s great you are seeing a counsellor have you any other support e.g. smart friends and family? Smart is an alternative to 12 steps or al anon which is the 12 step support for loved ones it was set up my the founder of aa’s wife. If you need someone to talk to I’m happy to be an ear. Cass

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