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  • in reply to: Coke rules my life #26055

    Hi – I’m totally the same as you. My habit doesn’t stop my kids or wife having a good life, but it’s just got to the point it’s a regular part of my life. It’s stupid, I know that and sounds like you do, but it’s so easy to get hold of and loads of people do it ! I’d love to say something really insightful, but for me, I genuinely think it won’t stop until I hit a point when I think it has to (this isn’t what I want but I’m being honest )!

    Hope you are ok and keep the updates going as it helps and it helps me!

    in reply to: Here I am again #15441

    Hi mate,

    How much are you doing a week? Helps me get where you’re at so I can reply the best I can.

    It’s super tough, I keep it together but do way too much

    in reply to: Lapsed again on coke :( #12971

    Feel your pain mate…if you’re interested in swapping numbers so we can support each other via text etc let me know

    in reply to: Lapsed after 2 month without coke :( #11419

    Good attitude pal and well in for getting re focused

    in reply to: Lapsed after 2 month without coke :( #11402

    Hi mate. I feel for you, I’ve drifted into old habits and am pissed off about it but you’ve had 1 relapse in 2 months- be proud of that, I would be!

    in reply to: Here again #11306

    Btw don’t know why all the ???? Appeared I put a thumbs up!

    in reply to: Here again #11305

    Hi Lou and Georgia, thanks for your messages ????. It’s a great question and a difficult one to answer. My opinion (and only that) is it depends how much they are sacrificing. If they are choosing doing that over spending time with you, or choosing it over life with you or spending all your money then I’m not sure. I’m doing too much and it’s not good and does effect my and my wife’s life, but I don’t massively compromise any of those things massively. I do it because it relieves some stresses at the time (I know it causes more) and that makes me feel good (at the time)! I know it’s daft etc but for those few hours things that normally feel like a pain, don’t matter as much, e.g work pressures

    in reply to: Here again #11304

    Danman83 sent you a friend request on that app

    in reply to: Here again #11168

    Thanks for your reply, I’ve got to say I’ve dipped in and out of these forums for years and that’s the best response I’ve ever had. It really connected with me so thank you, I’ll check out the YouTube vid and tips for sure.

    I’m really respectful of anyone who comes on these things, and no disrespect but messages about just quitting and it’ll ruin your relationship etc aren’t helpful. My wife knows what I do, we are rock solid, that’s not the issue, nor is cash, it’s the fact I don’t want this type of life anymore and don’t know how to leave it behind.

    Good luck everyone and thanks!

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