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  • in reply to: reaching out #8129

    Lucy21 your post is just an advertisement for someone and find it wholly inappropriate. If I have read it wrong then please tell me

    in reply to: HELP #8128

    Hi emmum
    Just read your post. My son smokes weed and one of my biggest worries is that it will lead into stronger harder drugs but I’ve been told many times by many people that it isn’t really the case. Having survived a relationship with a cocaine addict I worry what it could lead to buy an trying not to compare. I know all to well what it is like to be consumed by worry and staying awake all night being a . Parent is one of the hardest jobs and when your child doesn’t take the road you hope it’s harder. I’m here to support and listen anytime should you want to.

    in reply to: reaching out #8127

    Hi Susie
    How you have a good weekend. Stay strong and her for you. X

    in reply to: reaching out #8125

    Sorry if my messages don’t make much sense. I’ve held it all in for so long that now I just want to let it all pour out x

    in reply to: reaching out #8124

    Your right we cannot save them. They have to be responsible for their own actions I guess we just have to hope that they realise before they do things that cannot be changed x

    in reply to: reaching out #8123

    Hi Susie
    I do feel your pain. Sometimes it feels like there is no light at the end of the tunnel. Like your son my son is a good lad deep down, everyone that meets him like him. He can be funny and get kind to people. He is also very loving but the weed is changing him so much, I look at him and see a little lost boy. He text me yesterday asking me to put £10 in his bank because on Fridays they have a fry up at work. I said no. I text to tell him I love him and he didn’t text back, his way of trying to hurt me. The only time he calls me or texts me at the moment is if he wants something out to try and get me to let him come up here with me. I’m going back down in a couple of weeks to get my house all sorted and am permanently moving up by my sister. I’m dreading going back as I know it will be a weekend of guilt trips and emotional blackmail.. staying strong is sometimes the hardest thing to do. I know that I haven’t helped him by being soft so I will stick to my guns and hope that one day he will see that I have done it for him.. I guess we have to let them follow their own paths and just be there for them but make sure they know the boundaries. All I want is for my son to be happy. That’s all ok ask.. the hurt and pain he caused me when he smashed my house up is still with me and I cannot get over that. I do think he could of hit me that night xxx

    in reply to: reaching out #8120

    Hi Susie
    Thank you for your messages knowing that other people are going through the same as me is in some ways comforting.. my son would disappear over night and not answer his phone leaving me in turmoil trying to find him. Since I’ve moved away he has done this twice with his dad calling me saying he hasn’t come home. I’ve come to realise that he always comes back and to try not to worry to much. I haven’t spoken to my son since Monday after he said some hurtful things, I am trying to give him the space to try and deal with me moving away. His dad had told me he is working every day and I’m going this will continue and will help him. Last Friday he got paid £190 and had spent it by Sun. It’s hard not to call him and just tell him I love him but his dad thinks it’s best I leave him to it.
    My emotions are all over the place. Wish things were different but I guess I have to accept my realty. Reassurance that I’m doing the right thing helps.. Susie in return I am here for you should you want to talk xx

    in reply to: reaching out #8118

    Thank you for your comment. Yes I was an enabler.. I gave him my last pound rather than have him go out stealing for his drug money….five years ago I left a man I was with four seven years because he became addicted to cocaine and life became impossible.. I feel so sad for my son and really don’t know how to help him. I see his pain and I want to take it away. Being away from him is incredibly hard but I know that I am doing the best thing for him giving him the best chance I worry he will hate me for it, I worry about him… I really don’t know how to cope with it xxx

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