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  • in reply to: Ex partner with a cocaine addiction #17508

    Yes I also thought that too I always said to him your not addicted your making it fun. But babe rise above it easier said that done isn’t it I know myself always here to speak xx

    in reply to: Ex partner with a cocaine addiction #17505

    The lies come with the drug addiction hun I’ve learnt that nothing they will say they will mean it’s what they think we want to hear. It gets better when you realise they won’t change its just being strong enough to leave them for good. Your right we do deserve the world not liars that want drugs instead of the world we could give them x

    in reply to: Ex partner with a cocaine addiction #17477

    Omg that Ed Sheeran song had me in tears x

    in reply to: Ex partner with a cocaine addiction #17476

    Thankyou I’ll have a listen x

    in reply to: Ex partner with a cocaine addiction #17474

    It’s easier said than done sometimes isn’t it x

    in reply to: Ex partner with a cocaine addiction #17472

    Aww hun that’s terrible. I do hope you get your children back where they belong & he sounds so much like my ex he’s also taking the diazepam and god knows what else now. It’s been easier that he isn’t allowed to call me now by law but his bail conditions lift next weekend so I’m unknown to what he will try. I don’t know him anymore and it breaks my heart because sometimes I sit and want the old him back and then I think no way! I’m going to listen to the song. Good luck in court xx

    in reply to: Ex partner with a cocaine addiction #17469

    So glad we’re not alone it’s all true Helen x

    in reply to: Ex partner with a cocaine addiction #17447

    Hi thankyou I will email for more help I am getting as much as I can

    in reply to: Ex partner with a cocaine addiction #17403

    We have to laugh now don’t we else god knows x

    in reply to: Ex partner with a cocaine addiction #17401

    It’s disgusting x

    in reply to: Ex partner with a cocaine addiction #17399

    Good that your moving in the right direction babe. You deserve the love and kindness after being put through hell. I applaud you and everyone else going through this it’s horrible x

    in reply to: Ex partner with a cocaine addiction #17397

    I have broke down lost it all. Just have to get up for the boys else they’ll have no parents they’ve lost one already because his drugs mean more I couldn’t leave them without any other because of what he’s done to me. And none of his family have anything to do with the kids either I’ve literally had enough want out with it all & just smile I just want my smile back. I was the same had so much confidence I’ve now got body dysmorphia because I’m so used to being cheated on by different girls and comparing and feeling not good enough else why else would he cheat? Plus he told me a lot how ugly he thinks I am so now I do feel it like nobody else will want me x

    in reply to: Ex partner with a cocaine addiction #17386

    See this is why I knew coming on here would help me because it’s madness to think we’re not alone in this girls. Your right I couldn’t sit around waiting for the change either I tried and i lost myself in the process. I’m sick of feeling that I’m not enough and I need to get back to myself just wish it was as easy as typing it. Yeah I understand that I see one minute he’s living life and then I think what life? How is all that happy. I’m the one with the kids so I’m the one who should be happy especially for them. Thankyou and always here to speak to anyone else going through it we’ve got this xx

    in reply to: Ex partner with a cocaine addiction #17384

    Yes that’s exactly it. I miss the old person before drugs and there’s no way he’s coming back. It’s something we have to deal with and it looks like there enjoying it . But we deserve better than this x

    in reply to: Ex partner with a cocaine addiction #17382

    It’s horrible isn’t it? I also get that he’s doing this because he’s addicted then on the other hand he’s vile and will say he’s left because of me because he can’t be with me he wasn’t happy etc I’m ugly then I’m not I can’t cope with it anymore. Thankyou & you too x

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