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  • clairebear8529

    Thank you for helping me as well to realise I’m not alone and if you need to talk any time I’m here xx


    Thank you I can’t tell you how much it means to feel like I’m not alone xx I’m so sorry for the grief you have been through on top of everything. My husband has always liked a drink but when I got pregnant with my now nearly 5 year old he became a lot more nasty and said if I kept baby he would leave etc etc but never did which I felt guilty because if he left it wouldn’t be me telling him to go if that makes sense but never did and last week he scared my kids and my daughter said if I let him in she would phone the police and my son said mum let him in well I let him in both kids crying and I feel shit as he said horrible stuff like I need to be drunk to look at your face etc then I have the guilt of the kids one wanted him to stay one not then the youngest who doesn’t understand. I took the kids out day after so we weren’t here when he woke up I told him to leave and again believe the I’m sorry I know I need to sort it out etc which last Avon a few days of OMG he is so good with kids etc


    I always feel stupid but I found this group today and feels weird but I find strength in the fact it isn’t just me because it’s a very lonely place to be when you feel like the never ending moaning friend when you seem to tell that one friend the same thing every week but they just don’t understand


    I know but all the time we feel guilty because we don’t want kids to get hurt but more and more I realise they are hurting anyway xx they deserve holidays to remember for good reason I know all this but for some reason I still holdout hope for the few really good days


    I’m glad I’m not the only one but sad at the same time I was just thinking don’t think we have had a holiday where I haven’t cried and it be ruined my kids have started saying if dads going then I don’t want to or when we are away they say hopefully dad will fall asleep then we can go do something

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