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  • in reply to: Boyfriend going through codeine withdrawel #16465

    Thanks so much for replying.

    Saturday he took 40 odd tablets and sunday 20 odd, flushed the remaining 20 as he said he had had too much and felt to out of it. This was also mixed with valium to help him sleep.

    He decided from today, Monday, that he was going cold turkey and getting off it.

    His parents have offered to pay for private rehab £8000 plus.

    Said that if he cabt come off the codeine himself he will go to rehab…

    Now, this afternoon he has said he wont ever go to rehab, and he does t wnat to stop taking it forever as he likes it and he wants to just have a treat I asked how often, he replied once a week!!!

    I was infuriated, how can he think that it can work when its ended up him bingeing all weekend because he cant cope with the once a week.

    I told him it cant work it will never work.

    Theres no way out is there, unless he wants to get help then theres nothing any of us can do anymore.

    His sex drive has gone, he doesnt compliment me, he doesnt laugh with me, iv lost him in this codeine cloud.

    Can I ask are u still using? And if so what did u do or not do, what helped or didnt help xx

    in reply to: Boyfriend going through codeine withdrawel #16456

    Back again unfortunately … we had our baby girl in February and she is amazing … not making much of a difference to how my partner feels about codeine, which I didnt think it would, having a baby doesnt change how you feel about things.

    Boyfriend came clean that he cant deal with the cravings any longer so we came to an arrangement that he would start therapy which he does once a week and we pay for as he chose to go private … and would take codeine in codeine lictus form once a week, he is open and we work together.

    Its absolutely heart wrenching knowing what he is doing that one day a week but I’m just thankful he doesnt lie to me anymore.

    So today he was rejected pharmacy to have it delivered for monday, which just sent everything crazy, we were enjoying a lovely day, he was in good spirits.

    Then the ‘I’m going out, to do what the hell I want’, ‘I’m not telling u where I’m going’

    I’m learning and trying ny hardest not to bute, but my god it hurts.

    Iv left him to it, hes gone to our room and hasnt gone out, alot is to hurt me I know.

    I dont really know why iv wrote on here again, probably for someone to tell me it’s normal…. I dont know xxx

    in reply to: Boyfriend going through codeine withdrawel #14320

    Thankyou so much for that reply, I knew I was right in thinking it was the withdrawal but its nice to have some kind of confirmation.

    He’s been taking them for about 2 months secretly until I found out he was ordering them online, then he said he didnt want to be on them as his tolerence was getting too high he was needing 6 30mg at a time which was starting to not work, then taking more to prevent getting another ‘headache’ I let him lie until he wanted to tell me.

    He moved out and lasted 6 hours before he came home upset and wanting help to prevent this happening again.

    I feel he needs the help from professionals to prevent this from happening again especially when we have our baby coming xx

    He’s back to his old self today, bsck at work last night, colour in his face, laughing and joking.

    He has an extremely addictive personality, has Ben aficted to codeine 5 years ago before we met, and found himself reliant on codeine again in March this year but stopped and took himself off it again with my help xx

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