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  • in reply to: I’m at breaking point with his cocaine use #23199

    Hi thanks for the support , yes the house is in my name not his (thank god) so by rights he is the cocaine addict he is ruining my world he needs to go unfortunately his parents are no longer with him and his brother and sister have washed their hands with him , so no he doesn’t have any where to go.

    The very sad part is that he went on this spiral a few years ago but for him self out of it met me and settled down but now he has chucked it all away .

    I love him unconditionally and the thought of him not in my life any more is hard to accept .

    But the strain on me is killing me and I also get called the boaring one – I said to him go be with some other coke head of a woman let ur life spiral even more you can argue over the biggest line if it makes you happy by that I then got called a fat c&:t .

    We are barley speaking now and living under the same roof as a non couple is difficult – but he’s ok he can just go get another packet sit down stairs sniffing while I sit up stairs with painful tears in my eyes .

    Since last weekend I think I have had 8 to 9 hours sleep the rest of the time my eyes are just draining tears and all I get told is I’m a child for crying.

    Lastly I know no matter what threats I do I’m the one in the wrong if I hadn’t of made threats at him last time let him do his lines we would not be in this situation !!!!

    I no longer want cocaine in my house it’s lethal look what it’s done .

    in reply to: I’m at breaking point with his cocaine use #23194

    Thank you I do need strength , I just wish they could see the damage it’s doing , I fear most mornings the night after he has been on it that I will find him dead.

    No matter what the implications are he always defends the gear.

    I made my self feel finding his dealers no and reg and have raised this on crime stoppers and the local police I hope they catch him he is also destroying lives !!

    My BF is totally in the wrong as well ……. well actually ex we had a blazing row and let’s just say again it was me in the wrong .

    He used to make me smile and laugh and when he’s not on the gear I wouldn’t want any one else but as sad it is the cocaine is eating him up

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