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  • in reply to: I’v been addicted to cocaine for 6 years #28105

    Hiya missy I’m 4 month and a week clean from coke today. How are you doing? What are u doing to stop? X

    in reply to: My husband is an addict #28104

    Don’t be thinking like that your better than that. I joined cocaine anonymous and do meetings. He needs to want to do it for himself.

    All I can suggest to you and natasha now. And I don’t know your situations. Home wise, job wise ect.. But get your names on the council, explain your situation, keep applying for homes, flats ect.. Don’t tell your husbands, bf.. And do your best to save it. And soon as I get excepted or have enough money to rent saved. Leave and don’t look back.

    And in the mean time see what help u can get for your situations off places like adfam ect.

    in reply to: Two days #28100

    I guess there’s 2 sides to every story. My ex use just say to me.. Just say no Dan, I can ect.. If only it was that easy. He will never get help until he’s had enough pain as they say. Women in c.a have had their kids taken off them and it’s still not enough to quit. And these are not trampy dirty druggys. They are just normal hard working women were drugs have just took over.

    It would be so easy if we could just say no. Or OK ill stop.

    If I said to you now.. I’m gonna set you a challenge.. I want you not to touch chocolate and no coffee or tea for a whole year. Could you go with out? It’s hard and we are all addicted to something.

    I would of said the same as you if I never took coke. My mum says the same. But if it effects you and your kids I also won’t stick around and put up with it.

    in reply to: Two days #28052

    Just in a nighclub 13 years ago and tried it, was out in pubs ect for a year each week having it then, house partys ect.. Then when they stopped I was addicted and did not know. Was having it on my own.

    What made me stop or want to was wanting to kill myself on a Come down it’s a horrible feeling and with the grace of god, I never. My children was the reason I. Never. But some people do. U just feel so upset and alone, feeling regret, remorse and u want to quit its just hard

    in reply to: My husband is an addict #28046

    OK no worrys. Hope your OK anyway. Night

    in reply to: My husband is an addict #28044

    Well can u not stay at there’s. Horrible seeing someone get kicked out.

    in reply to: My husband is an addict #28042

    From Bolton me. Not far. Have u any kids. You have somewhere to sleep tho don’t you? Don’t ever go back if he’s doing that

    in reply to: Two days #28041

    And don’t be daft. You are normal stay far away as possible from it. And don’t even attempt to try it. Trust me on that

    in reply to: Two days #28040

    It’s were you are up for days and start hallucinations ect.. And effects your mental health aswell.

    I’m actually alright now. As long as I stick to. C. A and do a meeting each day. Ring people and my sponsor. It will keep me clean. And cut people off who. Use… I feel so much happier now

    in reply to: Two days #28039

    It’s were you are up for days and start hallucinations ect.. And effects your mental health aswell.

    I’m actually alright now. As long as I stick to. C. A and do a meeting each day. Ring people and my sponsor. It will keep me clean. And cut people off who. Use… I feel so much happier now

    in reply to: Two days #28038

    It’s were you are up for days and start hallucinations ect.. And effects your mental health aswell.

    I’m actually alright now. As long as I stick to. C. A and do a meeting each day. Ring people and my sponsor. It will keep me clean. And cut people off who. Use… I feel so much happier now

    in reply to: Two days #28035

    Ye alcohol is a main trigger for coke.so I can’t drink ever again also. Well the drugs will eventually cause mental illness. And it will start with not sleeping because of up all night on coke which leads to phycosis which is from not sleeping. I know a few who got sectioned from coke. All got better and great lads now.

    in reply to: My husband is an addict #28034

    Your joking no way he’s kicked you out and your in a refuge. Hope your OK. We’re is it u are from

    in reply to: My husband is an addict #28029

    Also I am not saying he has done these things with women, escorts ect.. Just need to clarify that. I’m going off me and what other addicts share in meetings. Not everyone is the same. But it is common that alot do do.

    in reply to: Two days #28027

    I’m bad for figiting at night lol. Still now.

    Maybe he needs a new job then. We have to make sacrifices in addiction they are hard but they are the right thing to do.

    I like saying this, and promote c.a, but if you work a programme, pray and meditate each day, lead a honest life, I don’t lie anymore, I help people, I’m kind, I connect with other addicts, I pay bills on time. I. Have my own place, I see my kids. If u do all these things, each day, your life will get better, its like the law of attraction, if u give off good u will get good back. He’s just stuck in a rut in the same crappy routine. He needs to hit his rock bottom and get the help

    I hope it goes well for you. And do what’s right for you x

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