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  • in reply to: My last chance with coke or i lose my family. #10734

    Well only coke he will prob be having is cola with his big breaki lol.. dont let him out! Lol

    in reply to: Selfish #10733

    Personally i dont think so. Ive got a coke problem, been clean for 18 days so far. And so far so good. But i treat every one of my kids n gf before me. If they need clothes and that, but then again it depends how bad they are i would say.. id imagine heroin addicts would do out for some. Well they do near me. Sounds like shes just used u.

    in reply to: Cocaine addiction Husband v Wife #10714

    Good luck mate.

    in reply to: My last chance with coke or i lose my family. #10713


    in reply to: My husband and cocaine #10712

    Yes it makes u do stupid things. I did it once to my gf. And am gutted about it and regret it .

    in reply to: My husband and cocaine #10703

    Honestly its same what i do. But ive learned now how to avoid these trigger points. He needs to start planning ahead for his next relapse. He needs delete all his mates nums and dealers out his phone. He needs take up a hobbie and play the tape through.. basically imagine what will it be like if he picks up tonight , does he really want to feel shitty and down after it. Does he want to quit?

    in reply to: Any one with a coke problem? #10700

    Sure is.. ive done a shit load of daft things and wish i could go back and change it. Tell him get his ass in gear and take you on a shopping spree and a nice hol after all the shit he has put you through. If u ever need any help or out just ask. Can give u my email or summat. Have a good weekend mate

    in reply to: My last chance with coke or i lose my family. #10699

    Ye its the same old story.. lets get massive.. fuk it am going in town getting pissed flexing my size and getting some sniff.

    in reply to: Cocaine addiction Husband v Wife #10698

    Just have see how it goes. And you think of yourself if he is. Im having dreams at the mo about using.. so i know my brain wants it. So im readin and watching extra coke addiction recovery things and told me gf to be extra strict with me. You need to know when its coming and nip a bud in it early. Coz when its mental relapse. Thats when its hard.

    in reply to: My husband and cocaine #10697

    Simular story to me. But im the user, well 2 weeks soba so far. I did the cinema thing im ashamed to say. Your husband is an addict. I never thought i was but i am. If you have it for more than 6 months than you are you have planted the seed as they say. Whats the situation now? Do you still want be with him? Does he want to quit?

    in reply to: My last chance with coke or i lose my family. #10694

    Ive had to bin my steroids lol well you know what the answer to that is.. he needs to join another gym! Lol

    in reply to: Cocaine addiction Husband v Wife #10692

    Its a disease at end of the day. I wish i never touched the stuff. Airplance pilots and docs are addicted to it my sister said who works with councillors.

    Ive been watching russell brands videos on you tube about his heroin and crack addiction and recovery. Thats good. . But gods honest truth now its gonna be hard for him.. he needs cut everything off to do with coke. Dont even go down streets were you get it from. Mates the lot.. they say you need find mates who dont do it! Good luck with that lol. My gf takes my phone off me at the weekends and puts it in a safe lol

    in reply to: Any one with a coke problem? #10690

    He does need delete them.. and just spend time with you for 3 month just to get his head straight..are you paying for the therapist? And bollox his friend was getting a tool lol he prob was coming down and wanted another key or line.

    And yes i have anxiety.. sometime i stutter, and find it hard get my words out to certain people. I hate speaking on the phone and going certain places. And it makes me worse now when on coke. And i aint no scroat or out i work for the bank. It knocks your confidence. And can take 3 -5 days before you feel ok from the coke at the weekend. Then your having again at the weekend. And its one big vicious circle. Ive oredered about 5 books this week to change my life a round. And try something different. Im going to reward my self each month for not having it. This month is a meal with my gf and kids.

    tell him the money he puts up his nose give it u to save up.. and go new york or summat.. something to focus on. Now hes realised. He should be doing everything poss to stop.. like im doing. He needs to do it for himself.. then the rest will fall into place. Sorry for going on lol

    in reply to: My last chance with coke or i lose my family. #10689

    Try and encourage him to get back in to his hobbies. Hes obviously lost that spark. Ive always said addiction is a routine as well. U do it same time and that. So he needs change his life around. But like you said he cant see what hes doing.. and to be honest a lot of my mates do coke and have been for years.. i dont speak to them really anymore. But i bet they dont think they are addicted as well. You only have to be having it 6 month then your addicted. He will soon realise when hes buying more and when the down side of it is getting worse.

    in reply to: Cocaine addiction Husband v Wife #10687

    Hes definitely going through downers if hes crying. Its all to do with dopamine in your brain. If you know how that works?

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