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  • in reply to: Any one with a coke problem? #10643

    Anyway georgia whats your story lol

    in reply to: Any one with a coke problem? #10642

    Thanks very much.. j just had my mum on the phone upset about it all. Its not good at all what it does for your family

    in reply to: Cocaine addiction Husband v Wife #10641

    I dont really want to say this vox.. but it sounds like you two was in the perfect relationship.. and for this to stop like that and he dont want to know you.. have you thought hes seeing someone else? It makes you do stupid stuff coke.

    in reply to: Cocaine addiction Husband v Wife #10625

    I normally relapse after 1 month. They say cravings last a month. And 2 to 3 month your brain is trying to make u want it sneakily. You have to be off it 2 years they say to be really off it.. if u know hes relapsing every 4 week. On the 4th and 5th and 6th week. Be on his case. Take his phone off him.. dont let him drink at all!! And tell him do a hobbie or something. Then thats a good way of stopping and not relapsing

    in reply to: Parental abuse #10615

    Hows he abusing you if you dont mind me asking.

    in reply to: Cocaine addiction Husband v Wife #10614

    They say we take drugs to escape from things. So that court thing could of made it worse. Im only guessing here. If hes on good money i doubt he will just be getting 1 bag.. you have 1 then you want more and more. I cant suggest anything else. Other than just keep making him aware what hes doing. And ask him cut down at least and spend more time with you. If hes having it every week. He is addicted to it. Its leathal stuff and i wish i never had it.. it makes you so depressed when its wearing off and suicidal. Thats because its used all your dopamines in your brain.

    in reply to: Cocaine addiction Husband v Wife #10611

    You put it was great for 14 year? So how long has it been going down hill for? Has he started on coke when its been 14 year or all the time? Something has changed him..and your right its hard doing things on your own. Together and being on your own. Financially. Have you asked how much he spends on it?

    in reply to: Cocaine addiction Husband v Wife #10608

    Hox, he really does need to admit he has a problem, i have and im doing this for me, the rest will fall in to place, family life will get better. But what i have learned is you need to do it for yourself. The amount of times ive stayed in bed saturday day because i had coke fri night and missed spending it with my kids, is all my fault. So if hes not admitting he has a problem. Maybe you need to make him aware of how bad it is. And then you have to make the decision.. are you happy staying with him as he doesnt want to admit or stop. Or do you need to think of number 1 and be happy.

    in reply to: Cocaine addiction Husband v Wife #10607

    Theres a few.. but watch crack/ cocaine part 1 2 3

    in reply to: Cocaine addiction Husband v Wife #10600

    Reb… ive read your replys.. its your partner then..well… 100percent the user needs to admit he has a problem and that he wants to quit.. you can try as much as you want but if he does not want to. Your flogging a dead horse.. i asked my gf and mum for help. I bought a safe and i only used fri or sat.. and my gf locks my phone away in the safe.. i dont go out any more.. make sure ge doesnt drink alcohol as this triggers wanting coke. . If they want to quit. Help them as much as possible. He needs take up something to keep him busy. Make sure hes deleted dealers numbers. Watch some videos on you tube of louise clarke on cocaine. Its so helpful..ive started watching them today.. does he want to quit and admit he has a problem?

    in reply to: Cocaine addiction Husband v Wife #10599

    Are you the family member? Or the user?

    in reply to: Cannabis addiction, or just overreacting? #10593

    So how many times roughly is she smoking it a week??? I was having it every day for years aged 14to19. It use send me phycho.. but i quit in the end. It was hard. But it ruined me as akid. Not socializing .

    in reply to: Am I over-reacting to recreational coke use? #10592

    Tell him pub once a month and thats it. Hes making your life hell. Or you will leave.

    in reply to: Cocaine addiction Husband v Wife #10591

    And to be honest 3 times is alot..i learned from that louise clarke video today who is an expert.. if you have been taking coke for over 6 month.. you are addicted! Doesnt matter if its once a month. You are addicted.

    in reply to: Cocaine addiction Husband v Wife #10590

    Well it does do something… it gives u a buzz for 20 min.. and its soo addictive. Ive not had it this year. And i dont want lose my fam.so im so determined to stop. He really needs to admit he has a problem and wants to quit.. ive been having it once a month may be 2 times a month and never thought i was addicted. But from what ive researched.. i am. And ive accepted it and now am fixing it.. you or your hubby need to you tube louise clarke and watch her videos on cocaine addiction. And how to stop.. and how it work. It will help so much.. but in the end if he doesnt admit he has a problem.. he doesnt want to quit.. and hes only thinking of number 1.. maybe you shold too!!!

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