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  • in reply to: Cocaine addiction Husband v Wife #10579

    Hox am going through simular thing.but i have it once a month.but it went worse in november and december. But now my gf will leave me if i have it again. So i am doing my very best not to have it.

    Does he drink every time he has coke? Alcohol makes me want to get coke.

    And the main thing is he has to want to quit it.. does he want to quit it?

    in reply to: Fiancée of 4 year is addicted to coke #10575

    Well good luck. And say its either coke or me. Good luck

    in reply to: Fiancée of 4 year is addicted to coke #10571

    Does he drink before he has it.. or does he have it soba?

    in reply to: Fiancée of 4 year is addicted to coke #10565

    And i have hated the stuff for years when its wearing off i feel depressed and suicidal. I hate the stuff! But when i have a drink., i get it.. so ive had to stop drinking. My mum new i had it xmas day and i was ashamed of myself. My family dont deserve this. I dont have it in the week or every week.. but ive read its still an addiction.. if u want this sorting… 1st step.. your bf needs to admit he has a problem and he has to want to quit! Then there is so much help.. he needs to quit alcohol.. does he have a drink in the house when he gets it?? He needs weigh up on a piece of paper the good points of having coke and the bad.. and believe me theres more bad than good..

    Coke is so easy to get hold of and he needs cut off the people he deals with who have it. If u need any links i can send u some for quitting it..

    in reply to: Fiancée of 4 year is addicted to coke #10564

    Michelle ive been doing the exact same as your bf.. im ashamed to say ive done it when the kids have been in bed. My gf goes mad. Its every time i have a drink i have to get coke.. basically its been goin on for year.. once a month ill have it or once every couple of weeks. I got help then didnt have it for 3 month. Then got pissed back on it again.. but this new year my gf has had enough i either sort myself out or i get kicked out. So.ive not had it this year.. ive done myself a prevention plan.. ive bought a book.. i want to change my life, stress and addiction… its a great book and helping me a lot.. i lock my phone away at the weekends. I admitted it all to my mum and asked her for help.. and…

    in reply to: relapsing every 3 weeks.. #10557

    Ive been doing the same as your husband but not as much drinking.. everytime i have a beer i have to get coke… and its happening like once a month.. i say exactly to my gf about i need you to help me not scream at me. But at the end of the day its my fault and im going to lose my kids and gf. So im on my last chance now. Drinking leads to coke. So he needs not to drink really. I know how u feel because i see it on my gf face. Ive let her down so many times. And i asked is it an addiction because its on once a month.. but my councillor said yes.. because u keep going back to it.

    in reply to: My last chance with coke or i lose my family. #10556

    Yes i have.. not had it this year . Its only 7 days but i feel better. And ive just bought a book called.. How to change your life … its about anxiety and depression and addictions and how to stop it and management plans

    in reply to: Desperate mother #10543

    How did it go jennifer when you got home??

    in reply to: Desperate mother #10536

    You sound like how my mum use to be with me and ive realised how bad i was.

    I couldnt even dream of asking my mum to bail me out for coke.. it sounds like you have done it before and hes basically taking the piss now. I know its hard and its your son, but you have to think of your self now and your health.

    My coke habbit is once every month or 2 3 week.. only when i drink.. but my gf said she will leave me with the kids.. so thats its for me. I admitted it all to my mum asking her for help. And i think thats what he needs to do. That stuff is so addictive.. you get 1.. then another and another then u owe 120 by the end of the night. My advice is.. give him 1 last chance.. have a look a coke adiction and what steps to take..tell him he quits it or thats it… but thats up 2 u.. u do what you feel is the right decision

    in reply to: Cannabis user #10535

    Nose bleeds is probably cocaine. Good luck.. hope u sort it all out

    in reply to: Cannabis user #10532

    O them silver cannisters is that laughing gas thing they all take.. they put it in balloons.. think u just need think of your self now to be honest

    in reply to: Cannabis user #10530

    Ye but now i have abit of a coke problem. But im on my last warning or my gf will kick me out.and am doing good so far.he sounds like i was just wants stay away from people getting stoned. At least he works tho..and hes not going out doing harder drugs?? Or is he?? My mum was fed up with me. But i got a gf and i set myself targets. Just tell him u want sit down for 10 mins and talk.but dont go mad


    Ive been going through the same.. i tend to get it after alcohol is this what he does?

    in reply to: Desperate mother #10526

    Be strong jennifer.. if u keep bailing him out he is going to keep relying on me.. it sounds like he wants 40quid for another one. No one really beats someone up for 40quid. Well thats my opinion. I can see your at your wits end. But i really do think you need lay some ground rules now.. tell him just stay in with you for a month to clear his head. But you need nip this on the bud fast. And just tell him his on his last warning. And i know how u feel about the suicide. Ive said the same to my gf when ive been on it. And the next day i just thought of my kids and how horrible coke is.

    in reply to: Cannabis user #10525

    I use be bad on cannabis as a kid.. 5 years every day i had it for.. i quit when i was about 19. It was hard to do. But i say this with everything.. you have to want to quit yourself.. i was a nightmare for my mum and dad. Bad tempered. Punching holes in the doors at home. Hes got his future ahead of him im 36 and regret it all. The mates i had.. the messing around. Just sit down with him.and have a talk. And guide him.

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