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  • in reply to: Cocaine Behaviour Confusion #18490

    No he told me himself that he ripped her off had money off her treated her like sh*t like the lost goes on and on .. And I know he does that as a pattern as well because his relationships last around a year and he always does well out of them .. He defo selects girls based on what they can give him!

    So this won’t be any different!

    Oh 100% I always say if someone is constantly on about how happy they are on social media they usually are not happy at all!!

    Yeah it’s the lonely that gets me in my mind so now just try and keep busy so I don’t have time to think about it!

    We will get through it just stay strong!! x

    in reply to: Cocaine Behaviour Confusion #18453

    Yeah it’s a blessing to be honest!!

    Like she’s posting litrally every 2 hours on fb just random stuff and he’s not liked a thing since last Saturday .. Not even her selfies or relationship status it’s all a bit weird to me!

    Yeah she won’t listen as I think she’s making the posts to get at his ex fiancee but really she doesn’t realise no one cares, his ex has been drained of all her money .. I can see she would see it how I do that he’s finally changed for this girl but it’s the opposite she just doesn’t know who he really is and that makes it kind of worse, she’s even posting about how she likes to keep him up UP and in IN ..on his photos the person I know will litrally hate that as he hates public chat like that!

    Plus I think if you gotta post how your so so happy all the time chances are your actually not!

    I am sticking to it, I don’t deserve this sh*t I think I’ll enjoy leaving him on read for the rest of his life a bit too much to be honest!!

    I am feeling ok all round .. Tooth extraction site still hurting a bit but nothing I can’t cope with!

    How are you getting on?? x

    in reply to: Cocaine Behaviour Confusion #18421

    So it’s transpired today on her fb after she’s posted 5 year old photos of him with captions about how happy he makes her that he actually asked her out 2 years ago and she turned him down! He’s not liked any of her posts at all .. Kind of want to message her and be like that’s not how he looks now is it though?? I’ve got piles of recent photos if you want them .. Some taken a month ago when he was mash up in my living room, if your gonna show him show upto date photos not the ones he uses on dating sites babes haha! It’s actually laughable, she’s posted a thing about weddings in Italy tonight like really? Don’t know if I feel sorry for her being so stupid or for the fact she’s gonna get ripped off and left.

    I actually am looking forward to him messaging me now as there’s no coming back from this I am done done. I won’t be saving him anymore. I think I’ve just constantly interputed his Karma.

    The fact she’s posting all this stuff public as well tells me she’s trying to get at someone/prove a point and that’s shit girl code. Esp when he was engaged less than 5 months ago, that’s a red flag alone unless he’s told her he actually wanted her all along which again a lie!!

    So yeah I think we have both reached the same point here on the door slam .. apart from I want to actually tell mine he’s been caught out watch him try and get out of it then make sure she knows as well!! x

    in reply to: Cocaine Behaviour Confusion #18328

    I know it’s been awful to be honest!

    I have no doubt she is he’s probs told her the whole speel about how he used to be a millionaire and he’s this and that and basically love bombed the sh*t out of her as she looks like she loves attention so all he needs to do is prey on that and he’s got her.

    Sad that he’s got 2 kids of his own he doesn’t bother with yet can be out playing happy family with 2 kids he doesnt even know as well!! Thats gonna be his major sticking point as he gets down he can’t see his own kids when he’s with other people’s kids .. But again depending on what he’s told her she probs thinks he’s Prince charming and he’s saved her.

    It is sad when you look at it that way knowing it’s all gonna crash around her in no time and also embarrasing on some level that she actually believes him.

    Have you heard from yours at all?

    in reply to: Cocaine Behaviour Confusion #18320

    Hey! I’ve got an infection now so basically it just gets worse! Waiting to go into the dentist today to have it washed out. I’ve been so ill with it over the weekend and I am never Ill so it’s kind of made everything 100% worse!

    I agree with you now I’ve calmed down on it, funny as she posted photos of the day out with the kids and put his name on it but didn’t tag him .. So basically it wouldn’t link on his profile he was there .. then a few hours later it said in a relationship but not who with, so if he was serious he would have his name on it as in the past if he’s in a relationship or whatever he’s tagged on it .. Then she posted the same selfie from a few weeks ago and then yesterday removed his name from the post about the kids.

    So somethings not right as he’s not claiming any of it apart from liking the post with the kids in he’s not liked the relationship, the photo of them or anything else she’s posted! Someone commented saying bring your new man for drinks and she’s put I will soon but can’t now as he doesn’t live here .. if they are in a relationship why has he no plans to go for a weekend so he could meet her friends as usually hell fire doesn’t keep him away .. all a bit bizzare and weird!

    But yeah it’s a car crash waiting to happen isn’t it lets face it .. her kids look like 10 and 14 so they are aware children as well which shocks me and from what I can see she’s known him a month and that would have been the second time meeting him after being with him for that full weekend. He was here whispering he loves me a month ago and I doubt he would have been actually seeing her at that point. He’s really fast forwarding the relationship and I could hear his voice in videos she’s posted and it doesn’t even sound like him so he’s defo putting on a show.

    Everyone’s telling me to feel sorry for her not myself x

    in reply to: Cocaine Behaviour Confusion #18253

    Update .. They are now fb official in a relationship and my hearts actually broken in 2 .. Had 2 panic attacks since I saw it 🙁

    in reply to: Cocaine Behaviour Confusion #18242

    Sorry been offline had my wisdom tooth and root canal done so been feeling so rough all week .. Just logged into fb to see she travelled up there again this weekend with her kids for a cosy family day out, videos photos and clearly he’s not on anything .. So obviously he’s in his right mind. I feel gutted but also worse as I am Ill.

    I am defo getting to the point of wtf, reminding myself he hasn’t changed and she doesn’t know the monster she’s exposing her kids to after a few weeks!

    in reply to: Cocaine Behaviour Confusion #18134

    Yeah exactly the grip of it is what they want like to check your still waiting for something that’s not gonna come!! Even though they are in control of it all actually!!

    I was saying to my friend earlier it’s like I don’t take what mine does personally .. but I take what the other one has done personally and she was like how can you do that .. but what she doesn’t get is last weeks guy did what he did in full mind and he’s had the chance to right it and he hasn’t where as the main one isn’t in his right mind half the time and when he is the shame of it all is too real for him to deal with so it’s back to the drugs which is why I don’t take it personally with him as I believe if he was in his right mind all the time he would be a decent person and that’s the f**kary of it all!!

    I dunno am not holding out this I think this is probs the longest he’s not been on touch now and this big weekend away he planned is this Sunday obviously that’s not gonna happen so I think he will avoid me over that .. If he even remembers he said that who knows!!

    I don’t think I’ll never not be sad over it fully but every day it will get easier I know that, same as you do it’s just getting there! Like I said as long as he stays alive! Also I hope he does stay with this girl as then at least my heart being shattered is kind of worth it in some way x

    in reply to: Cocaine Behaviour Confusion #18126

    Wow .. Nice he’s asking how you are ???? mine usually does that when he’s trying to gauge reactions!

    Yeah it is the good memories I said this to my friend earlier I hate the good memories!

    I defo have the same type as you .. Had a breakthrough at work today though I was thinking every girl mines been with in the past 6 years has tried to change him including me we all wanted the good guy and we all failed so if this girl now can be the change then good for her as ultimately I just want him alive and well and if she can do that and he’s happy and not laying dead somewhere then that’s his blessing and he’s not actually my blessing so if I keep holding on that he is I am blocking what’s meant for me .. If you know what I mean?! What’s meant to be will be it’s not gonna pass by .. So I just need to keep that in mind when I feel like I am slipping into upset about him not contacting me! Know that’s not the same for you atm as he’s not with anyone else but you could try and apply it maybe?!

    As for the good men .. Who knows?!?! x

    in reply to: Cocaine Behaviour Confusion #18123

    It does so much and it always picks out the good stuff over the bad so after a few weeks you can’t remember why you hate them .. I’ve tried to write down a bad memory for every good one but that’s my issue he never treats me badly to my face so I’ve got to just imagine what he’s been actually doing behind my back!

    Yeah exactly as any normal person would just say I am not into you, fact is I’ve told him being ignored hurts my feelings and I would rather know either way and he’s still ignored me and the question, and your right that is abuse actually!

    I really wish I could stop choosing this type as it’s not going to end well!

    Defo I think you’ve just got to get to a point where your not going to answer any of his messages or calls no matter what the tone is and then he will get the message .. Again I know how hard attachment is though so it’s going to be difficult! x

    in reply to: Cocaine Behaviour Confusion #18121

    It’s easy to say that in your mind though I’ve been saying it and screaming it at myself in the car alone all week as well, Wish I could actually wash my brain!

    I know you did :/ I really thought it would erase him though but actually it’s made me feel worse on the not wanted scale .. Like what do I do wrong when I know it’s more them not me but when it’s two in a row!

    This is so true, I don’t even know how to stop it either!

    Makes me laugh though as the other guy saying to me what do I think he is but not answering my question is again basically putting the blame on me not him, do you know what I mean?

    I just keep thinking main guy wouldn’t do this but then I laugh at myself as he’s been sleeping with someone else .. So even though hes not horrible to me he’s a devious sh*t!!

    She’s just posted on fb that she’s picked her kids up so unless he’s moved in already he won’t be with her for a week or so .. She had the same outfit on as 2 weeks ago so I hope she’s washed it! Why do I even think of this crazy stuff!

    Can’t believe yours has gone silent though obviously trying to think of another angle to come from or he’s fallen off the wagon again :/ x

    in reply to: Cocaine Behaviour Confusion #18118

    Yeah 100% What I do is screen shot everything so I can check back on what’s been said and when helps with the bulls*it when you can call them on it or get it straight in your own mind!

    Mines been online a lot and was online on Saturday night so am thinking he’s ‘normalizing’ whatever that is ffs!!

    Makes me feel worse as I slept over at the other guys house on Thursday .. litrally just slept in same bed he didnt try anything at all and he kissed me twice as we left in the morning .. I sent him a text saying wish I woke him up and he ignored it an hes ignored every message since – So just asked if he’s ignoring me to hurt my feelings for banter .. And he asked if I am on crack as what do I think he is .. Made me laugh, as clearly I’ve inherated behaviour from my main man :/

    I just think wtf is wrong with me really, am I really that dismal!

    Yeah can tell your fuming .. I am as well! Really want to move on but I keep coming back to him and really I am trying to replace main guy with the other guy .. an my upset over him ignoring me isn’t anything to do with him really it’s trauma from main one ignoring me.

    Some sort of f*cked up is what I am :/ x

    in reply to: Cocaine Behaviour Confusion #18109

    Jesus .. Mine will say he’s not used as he needs to do drugs tests as well! Mad that they use that as proof they are not doing it .. But then when mine does use he fake worrys he won’t pass the tests!

    Sounds like he is defo trying to convince you he’s a changed man!!

    It’s litrally draining trying to second guess, but then at least he is calling .. I don’t know the difference anymore between if mine contacts me if he’s doing well or not well.

    I reckon she’s just set her profile to private as a friend messaged her and basically said she needs to be careful what she’s posting for public esp when it involves him since then nothing personal is on there .. they are still friends on fb so who knows all I know is I feel more sad as the days go on that he must always do this and I don’t know, starting to think I won’t hear now as it’s been nearly a month he’s never gone more than a month on the usual pattern!! x

    in reply to: Cocaine Behaviour Confusion #18087

    Hey! Sorry been offline thrown myself into work :/

    To be honest it looks like the girl he’s with has stopped posting public on fb so although I don’t know what’s going on which is driving me insane it’s also kind of a blessing I can’t watch it day after day!

    Oh wow at yours, I think he sounds like a narc for sure, but that being said I reckon the 2 issues are so similar, But the talking in general is defo a reaction thing!! I know it must be winding you up but you gotta stay gone but for him to hang up just proves your point anyway, Did he say how long he’s not used for?? X

    in reply to: Cocaine Behaviour Confusion #18065

    I can honestly say at this moment what I’ve seen isn’t forgivable in my mind .. like I keep looking at the pictures and it’s shocks me they are real even though seen them 100 times now them smiling actually turns my stomach.

    Whatever he says he’s litrally set anything we had in my mind or in real life on fire.

    I cannot go through life crying over someone who doesn’t care .. He might do on some level but he wasn’t sorry over the weekend he probs won’t be till he knows I know and that’s false anyway!

    I just think I need some fun with a stable person for a bit!

    You defo need to stand your ground as we both know the getting off it won’t last past you saying you will take him back .. desperate people say what ever when they are loosing!

    We can defo help each other out!

    I feel like it might be a few more weeks before mine is back now maybe another month so I’ve got the time to litrally get mad and get done!

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