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  • in reply to: Cocaine Behaviour Confusion #17905

    He’s still not replied so I deleted his number on Saturday night wrote a whole message to him and sent it to my friend instead and I feel better!

    Your right to spend a whole weekend and then leave and not even reply or speak to me after is cruel but also shows me he actually doesn’t care .. It’s all his behaviour at least I know I’ve done what I can. He’s played himself!!

    in reply to: Cocaine Behaviour Confusion #17873

    Yeah I actually tried to Google that earlier but to be fair there’s not much online about the difference between coke addicts and narcs!

    But very true, I won’t be getting hooked back this time I always held him at his word but now I just think wow how can you spend a whole weekend with me then leave and ignore me like I am nothing really.

    in reply to: Cocaine Behaviour Confusion #17870

    They just don’t care that’s why which I’ve actually realised by watching this on fb it’s like what suits them selfish .. I bet I’ve not even crossed his mind while he’s chatting to this other mug even after all he’s said to me which I now see is basically a means to an end as if he meant any of it he wouldn’t be doing what he’s doing now drugs or not!

    in reply to: Cocaine Behaviour Confusion #17867

    Yeah I am thinking the same, this morning there’s comments and a like on a photo so am just like .. she can have him it’s time for me to be happy now he clearly shown he doesn’t care so he can stick to his choices!

    in reply to: Cocaine Behaviour Confusion #17862

    Hopefully nothing has come of it tonight?! Still not heard from mine but no likes on the beggy photos that girls posted so I presuming he was off his face and chatting sh*t over the weekend to her .. She’s probs gonna be my replacement for some where to run to as it’s getting to real round here :/

    in reply to: Cocaine Behaviour Confusion #17857

    Oh no your joking???? Was he high .. How embarassing?!

    in reply to: Cocaine Behaviour Confusion #17854

    Well he’s clearly kicked me to the curb at the minute!

    Sat and watched him go on and off whatsap last night and actually had no emotion about my message still being ignored! I’ve got to the it’s ok stage now .. so if he’s never gonna reply it’s ok I won’t be messaging him!

    Have you heard anything yet?

    in reply to: Cocaine Behaviour Confusion #17850

    I hope you stick to it!

    I am getting to the point of not caring as well now, think if he can leave me on read for 24 hours what’s the point. Am not sat here upset about it because I know he wants me to be!

    in reply to: Cocaine Behaviour Confusion #17848

    I know exactly what you mean!

    It is psychological .. You defo have to decide to just be done to be honest I was in December last year, if it wasn’t for a 2am phone call on a Friday night to the point I was genuinely thinking he’s on the brink of stupid I wouldn’t have gone to rescue him on the Saturday .. But when I look back on that I feel like what was the point, He was down but where’s it got me!

    in reply to: Cocaine Behaviour Confusion #17846

    It is an empty pit of disappointment your 100% correct, I’ve still not had a reply however no new likes on any of the girls stuff (2 days now) so who knows what’s going on!?

    Wow how did you find that out??

    Good for you though, I wouldn’t follow through :/

    in reply to: Cocaine Behaviour Confusion #17838

    Defo .. Stuck between him ignoring me so I am waiting and more excited and relived when he does finally decide I am worth a text or he’s not bothered and is making it known .. Either way like you say it’s manipulation and after all I do it’s horrible and shows exactly what he thinks about me, as clearly he’s got time to message girls he’s doesn’t know!

    in reply to: Cocaine Behaviour Confusion #17835

    Just how loved up she is and how good things come to those who wait .. He must have really run game to have her posting that stuff as from what I can see he only started liking her stuff on Friday .. but maybe it’s been going on off fb longer as in chatting! Guessing it was her who was calling at 3am last Saturday night now!!

    He will tell me but he never tells me who it is .. I’ve litrally found that by chance as she tagged him!

    I am not sure what is worse either he told me he was single again when he was clearly not at the back end of last year and only recently admitted that but apparently it wasn’t cheating as he was technically single .. Yeah right!

    Defo self esteem issues on her end it’s the 3rd selfie of the day .. but they like someone to fool don’t they!!

    in reply to: Cocaine Behaviour Confusion #17833

    Yeah back up plan for sure!!

    His ex never posted much on fb apart from the odd photo that I could live with but this girls updating her Facebook every hour I won’t be able to sit and watch and not make comment if it carries on as knowing he’s with someone is one thing seeing it is another .. Not that she’s posted him it’s just about how happy she is and selfies!! Pathetic!

    I am just thinking so rude right now and I don’t know how he thinks he’s coming back from this so for a girl he looks like he’s only been chatting to high over the weekend it’s a joke tbf!

    in reply to: Cocaine Behaviour Confusion #17831

    Well I messaged him told him clearly I don’t need to wait till October to see ghosts .. he read it, then hour later I sent a happy anniversary of us meeting hope your ok anyway .. read and no reply .. Its actually funny!

    Like am sat here thinking does he think him ignoring me is killing me when the reality is I am thinking wow rude.

    Think it’s worse as he has kept saying he’s only talking to and seeing me, but actually he’s lying through his teeth and the girl looks like she’s chatting to 50 men so she is an empty shell I agree obviously desperate for attention from anyone .. If she thinks all good things come to those who wait she’s mistaken if she thinks her wait is over!! Bunch of mugs!!

    in reply to: Cocaine Behaviour Confusion #17825

    To be honest even if I message him he will ignore me anyway .. I sent him a message and deleted it last night and he’s not even got back to me over it. So whatever I say will go unseen and he loves it, like doesn’t cross his mind he makes me feel like shit.

    I am livid like actually fuming .. I wish I could pre empt how long it’s going to be till he decides to message. I can’t believe how beggy the girl is as well like it’s embarrassing.

    Have you told yours yet? Does he get back to you?

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