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  • in reply to: OH relapsing ? My paranoia or has he :( #28486

    Hey I hope you’re both doing ok, I asked my husband to move out (again) over a week ago- his alcohol and coke use just got too much. He works away from home a lot and has stayed away but he’s coming back tomorrow. He knows he can’t stay in our house but he will be over to see our daughter. I’ve been feeling so strong this time but I know when I see him I will doubt myself. I desperately don’t want to get back into that crap cycle of broken promises and heartbreak. It never changes.

    For an addict to really change- they’re the only ones who can make that happen. It’s a bit like that for us too- people can tell you what they think you should do but until you’ve truly made up your own mind, it doesn’t matter what anyone else says.

    I think we just have to try to be more selfish and put ourselves first xxx

    in reply to: OH relapsing ? My paranoia or has he :( #28449

    I’m so sorry you’re going through this, I hope you’re ok x

    in reply to: Spouse of an addict #28440

    Hey Donthaveaclue,

    That sounds amazing! Fingers crossed it happens soon for you so you can get your own space for freedom and piece of mind. How does your partner feel about you leaving?

    It’s a week since I asked my husband to leave but he works away most of the time anyway so I think he’s just telling himself that he’ll work away for a few weeks until I calm down so he can move home again. Of course he’s been so lovely all week too and has contacted clinics to get help but he always does this and I believe he’s doing to get help and I allow him to come home so I can support him but things just return to normal very soon after.

    I can’t keep doing it, I’m beyond exhausted. I still love him so much and wish he would get better but I need to be realistic and I need to put our baby and me first. Sadly drink and drugs come first for him.

    Addiction is just so heartbreaking, I wish there was a easy solution!

    in reply to: Spouse of an addict #28422

    Sorry to hear you’re both going through this. I’m the same, I asked my addict husband to move out (again) last week. I can’t keep going through this cycle. It’s so unhealthy and unsafe for our daughter. I’m devastated but I really do feel a lot stronger to keep to my word this time. I need to move on with my life instead of always putting him first.

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