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  • in reply to: A mother’s worry #7924

    PS I would go to see his doctor and mention your concerns to him/her and if you have a local Mental health Team in your area speak to them and get some advice.
    Its not easy being a parent and all we want is the best for our kids so its hard to see them doing this to themselves. I hope you manage to get some help.

    in reply to: A mother’s worry #7923

    This sounds very much like my situation. Our son ran up debts and became moody and angry not even bothering to talk to me or my husband. It went on for a few years and we paid off his debts only for him to run them up again and then in January this year he became psychotic and ended up being sectioned and put on medication. They said it was from using cannabis and if he stays off it he should recover. He is in supported housing now but I know he’s back on the drugs again and i’m waiting for the devastation to happen all over again. Your son sounds very much like mine and I would be quite certain he’s on something but the trouble is that unless he wants to stop and unless he admits he has a problem then as parents there is nothing we can do. They hold all the cards. You and your husband must try and look after yourselves as its so stressful and gut wrenching all the time and you don’t want to become ill. Don’t let one person bring the rest of you down. Drug users are very selfish people, they don’t care about anyone elses feelings or concerns, its all about the next fix for them. Try and stay strong and don’t give him anymore money because thats only helping him buy drugs.

    in reply to: where do i start #7922

    Hi Jay, I really sympathise with you. My son is 24 and he’s been smoking weed for many years and this year he became psychotic and had to be sectioned. He’s been on medication for 6 months now but has decided to come off of them and I know that he is back on the weed so I feel helpless as you do. I would contact your nearest mental health service yourself and speak to them about your concerns and see if you can persaude your son to visit them although if he doesn’t think he has a problem then that will be hard. My son wouldn’t go to see them and because of his erratic behaviour we had to get the police out and they took him to a psychiatric hospital but I hope it doesn’t get to that point with you.

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