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  • in reply to: PLEASE HELP. All time low…. #8768

    Since I first contacted this page my younger son, the diabetic has sought help and is now on a programme with the help f drug counciling, the other son the really poorly one is just getting worse and deeper into it, he has told me in the last week that he is injecting crack with citric acid into his fistula, (a fistula is create for dialysis by grafting an artery and vein in his upper arm so as to insert dialysis needles into) this is extreamly dangerous and he knows it. He got his sinkness benefit at midnight and this morning has not a penny left, he now gets nothing for 2 weeks. He has drug dealer at his door all the time wanting money he owes them or to sell him more, he doesn’t need money to get more drugs he gets them on credit!! so next benefit will proberbly be spent now. I fear for his life, if his illness doesn’t kill him very soon the drugs will. He would be better off in prison, that has saved his life in the past, as sad as that sounds.

    in reply to: is my dad back on herion? what shall I do? #8700

    My God I feel for you I am going through this with 2 sons, believe me you cant help him, I have been trying for years. they have to want the help, my sons don’t want the help yet. Its just a constant battle, I really feel for you, I have 2 sons addicted to crack and I cant do anything about it. Its a struggle, but I know we cant keep giving because that is not helping in the long run its just enabeling them. I have tried everything, no I feel my life is not my own, every day revolves around them. “Mum I have no electric, no gas, no food, can you lend me!” you have to say no. I will buy them a little food but I wont give them money. Be cruel to be kind.

    in reply to: PLEASE HELP. All time low…. #8698

    As we type this now I have one son ringing me every 15mins desperate for money saying he has people coming to his door for money he owes them at 12.30am, but I am sticking to my guns, I will not give him any money, he also says hes sat with no gas or electric, it hurts especially knowing he is so ill but I cannot give him money. I have been trying to talk to the younger one all day but he has turned his phone off, its all getting too much for me, I don’t have a normal life! my mother is 86 and I feel I am going to bury my 2 sons before her at this rate, Im at my wits end.

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