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  • in reply to: I’m so stressed my partner a coke addict #25315

    Lol! It’s the only school I know in Astley Bridge so was a guess. Yes, stay busy! Lol! I’m sure you will be just fine, sounds like you are making good progress anyway! Baby steps as they say – don’t put too much pressure on yourself. You have a good weekend too and as I said if you need an ear just shout. X

    in reply to: I’m so stressed my partner a coke addict #25262

    Is that the one near the old cotton mill or am I thinking sharples? I’m sure you will get it all sorted, if you need anything just shout – I’m literally over the hill! And I work in Bolton anyway. You will get settled in and it will give you something to focus on too which is good.

    in reply to: I’m so stressed my partner a coke addict #25261

    Think I’ve posted twice too ????

    in reply to: I’m so stressed my partner a coke addict #25242

    Yes originally, moved to near blackburn so still not far. Used to live near Astley Bridge. Did your move go OK?

    in reply to: I’m so stressed my partner a coke addict #25075

    Hi danman83

    Good to see you back. Hope your move goes OK?

    Roo1992 -I echo what the other posters have said. Walk away. It DOES NOT get better ever. I’ve been ghosted again for the millionth time. My addict is prob in the next town being an asshole as we speak. He has a week off so he can get off the drugs but I get the feeling he’s having a last blowout in Bolton because he’s a selfish idiot. Been in this continuous cycle for 15 years and it has never even gotten better nevermind stopped. That includes a period of intensive rehab. Good luck whatever you decide xx

    in reply to: Relapsed after 4 month #23502

    Still proud of u

    in reply to: Relapsed after 4 month #23501


    Dust yourself off and get back on the road to recovery. You need to reset yourself again. Hope your ok? This situation right now is very temporary so don’t let the negative feelings take over. My addict goes round in many circles, and sometimes he tries really hard but other times it’s half hearted. I can see you give it 100%. You need to keep your morale up, don’t give up on yourself. Get on some meetings too. Here if you need me. X

    in reply to: 4 months clean from cocaine today???? #23341

    I was so happy hearing this I posted twice! Fixed it now though! ????

    in reply to: 4 months clean from cocaine today???? #23340

    Well done Danman83! ????

    Im so proud of you! I’ve literally logged on after a long while away but just had to reply to this. You have come so far and you should be proud of yourself!! ❤

    in reply to: Have I done the right thing? Fiancé heroin addiction #20932

    No cold turkey is dangerous, they tend to have to reduce. Its a physical withdrawal which needs to be managed. I’m here to chat if you need advice, been through /going through similar xx


    Yes I would definitely stick to that plan. I wish I had. I used to be strong but years of mental anguish have wiped that out. Honestly even now I’m having to tip toe around him as he has been asleep all day after being up all night. Xx


    In a word no. 15 years and still in that same boat after rehab, an accident, nearly losing his job, family and friends. And guess what? I’m still the bad guy not him.

    If I had the choice to go back I’d say 100% leave, in fact run. Like Hussain bolt. You can’t fix them and they don’t want you to.

    in reply to: Partner isolating from me. Should I try help? #19156

    Yes you are better off just getting on with looking after yourself and your kids. Leave him be with what hes doing, you can’t do anything about it anyway. I’ve detached myself so I don’t get stressed. I also find CRAFT therapy helps. There is a helpful link on 20minuteguide….Google it. There’s about 10 pages and each page gives you so much help into how to cope. Xx

    in reply to: Partner isolating from me. Should I try help? #19140

    I’m going through similar. I can’t help but think Danman83 would have the best advice for you. I can only give you advice based on how I cope. X

    in reply to: Need help coke has ruined me. #18971

    Good to see you back.

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 86 total)